Kate Mays


Stumping for GUSA change

“I would never whore myself out,” Tim Brown (COL ’09), one of the eight candidates for GUSA, said.

“That’s a campaign promise,” Brown added. “That might be my only campaign promise.”


Jack is in the house

“Jack’s already been walked [today], so he might not be that cooperative,” Walid Khalifeh (SFS ‘08), told me when we picked up Georgetown’s mascot from the lobby of the Jesuit residence. “As you might know, bulldogs are not the most energetic of dogs.”


“I have a better story”

Two weeks before Baghdad fell to U.S. Forces on April 9, 2003, Sari Khalil (COL ‘10) heard the American troops arriving. His house was on the western side of the city, smack in the middle of three Iraqi National Guard camps. One of them, Um-Almaank—just four miles from his house—contained not only a camp but also a mosque.

“We could hear the sound of the bombs coming closer, until it was our turn,” Khalil said. “[Um-Almaank] was so heavily bombed [the first] night, that we all knew we were going to die that day. You would hear the aircrafts coming real close; they were so close and so low that you could hear the sound of the missile leaving the plane … and then you would see this quick flash … and within half a second you would hear this huge sound … the whole house was like, broken windows. It was really scary.”

Khalil, his three younger brothers and his parents did survive that night, the “lightest night of the seven nights,” and escaped to spend the last two weeks almost 20 miles away at his grandfather’s house before the Iraqi troops surrendered.


DeGioia agrees to Pride demands

Georgetown University President John DeGioia committed last night to a fully-funded and fully-staffed resource center for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning students by fall of next year.


Stopping harrassment

Marty Langelan has been harassed since she was six. At age nine, she wouldn’t go down to the store for bread and milk because a group of men who hung around the corner would say “creepy things” to her.


Lighting a candle for Burmese protesters

“It may seem strange to take time to do nothing, to say nothing, at a time when we’re so conscious of the need for action in Burma,” Father Laurence Freeman O.S.B., a Benedictine monk, said last night at a candlelight vigil for the protesters in Burma.


Liquor Talk

A committee will be formed in the coming weeks to evaluate the overall effects of the alcohol policy, said Dr. Todd Olson, Vice President of Student Affairs, at a town hall meeting in Sellinger Lounge last night. He also said that no immediate changes are forthcoming.


Alcohol policy stifles student social life

Students and administrators rarely meet at midnight. But at 12:30 a.m. last Saturday, Student Association President Ben Shaw (COL ‘08), Associate Vice President of Student Affairs Jeanne Lord, Director of Student Conduct Judy Johnson and Copley hall director Mary Ellen Wade met in front of Healy to take a stroll through campus the weekend after Todd Olson, Vice President of Student Affairs, sent an e-mail that outlined the new alcohol policy.


City sues over library fire

The District of Columbia is seeking $13 million in damages from the contractor whothe District claims is responsible for the blaze that ravaged the historic Georgetown Neighborhood Branch Library last April.


Little reason given for new party rules

In an interview Thursday, Vice President for Student Affairs Todd Olson offered no concrete reasons for the University�s changes in its party policies.