Laura Kurek


Carrying On: Education more involved beyond American borders

Academics is the aspect of a semester abroad that is remembered least. If you read the above statement and agreed with it, you may want to reconsider. Though perhaps not... Read more


Carrying On: Cultural immersion in the Moscow Metro

“Why?” was the most common response to my plans to study in Moscow this fall. My answer was three-fold: to submerge myself in a rich language, a culture that has... Read more


Carrying On: Humanity’s good nature revealed in marathons

It was an impossibly perfect day. The April air was cold against perspiring legs and raw against expiring lungs. The entire city of Boston was in the streets, offering encouragement... Read more


Carrying On: Enjoying the trials of working in public relations

  Having been a member of the Voice for over two years, I have gained more than just my fair share of of snark and some trendy t-shirts. Through all... Read more


Carrying On: Chipotle changing the face of fast food

  As Hoyas migrate back to the Hilltop for fall classes, how we occupied ourselves for the past three months is sure to be a choice topic of conversation. What... Read more


With a month left GUSA focuses on allocation reform, sexual assault

Though just over a month remains in the school year, GUSA hopes to accomplish several objectives before the semester’s end.


Watchdogs concerned about PNC-GOCard partnership

Georgetown University and PNC Bank have partnered this year, enabling the Georgetown One Card to be linked to a PNC bank account. Though on the surface the move has been touted as a convenience for GOCard holders, consumer advocates have begun to draw attention to the deceptive practices of banks on university campuses.