Leigh Finnegan


Warming Glow: Sympathy for the devil

You’ve just watched a man drug and kidnap someone. He ties the victim to a table, waits until he wakes up, then ritualistically stabs him in the chest, dismembers the corpse, and dumps it off a small boat into the Atlantic Ocean. Moments later, you see the same murderer holding an infant, cooing and singing the kid to sleep.


Student drumline beats up the beat

If you were anywhere near New North on Monday night and couldn’t study, converse, or hear yourself think, then you’re already familiar with the Georgetown Drumline. From 8 to 9 p.m., the group’s 15 members banged out eighth-notes and bashed cymbals together at a deafening volume on the outdoor patio across from the Davis Center.


Warming Glow: Kicking TV up a notch

Blame it on Colonel Sanders. Blame it on the kiddie play areas at McDonald’s with the multicolored ball pits. Blame it on the good ol’ American attitude that bigger is always better, and so supersize is the only option. Whatever the culprit, the unavoidable fact remains: obesity in the United States is an epidemic.


Warming Glow: Shut up, Ryan Seacrest

Georgetown, it’s time for a pop quiz. Take out a pen, eyes on your own paper—you know the drill. Your question is: Who won this year’s Emmy for Best Actor in a Comedy Series?


20 years later, East German artists break through

A pair of inviting hands extends from a body, perched above a disordered sea of line and color. Close by, a man falls backwards, plunging downwards towards certain demise.


Not senioritis, senior-artists

To most, “springtime” means blooming flowers, warm sunshine, and an all-around appreciation for the beauty that winter has been hiding. For us jaded Georgetown students, though, our sunshine is blocked by the looming shadow of finals, and the cramming, writing, and preparation that they’ve foisted upon us.


Warming Glow: Seriously, I am so damn Lost

I only need to be told to shut the hell up a couple of times before I get the message.


Psychotronia and D.C.’s B-movie lovers

Romeo Montague scrambles around Verona, searching for the object of his true desire while fleeing the manhunt of a rival bloodthirsty clan.


Critical Voices: The Tallest Man on Earth, The Wild Hunt

Listening to The Wild Hunt, the sophomore release from indie-folk artist Kristian Matsson’s solo project The Tallest Man on Earth, is puzzling.


Hey girl, I like your Tattoo

If you want to understand the title of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, don’t blink. Lisbeth Salander, the movie’s inked-up heroine, does have a massive, detailed tattoo of a dragon encompassing her entire back and a good chunk of her leg, but during the film’s two and a half hours, it gets no mention and only passing screen time.