
A deep dive into the most important issues on campus.


Raptor! Raptor! Raptor!

Streaking down the court as fast as my little legs will carry me, clad in flashy blue shorts down to my shins, I hear our point guard call: ‘Raptor! Raptor!’ Raptor was a play of pure genius.


The Zen-Master

When the time came, I heeded my call as a coach, well, assistant coach, on my little cousins’ Knicks summer league team in Valley Stream, Long Island.


Uni Watch

The 2005- 2006 season brings new prospects for success with a new year. What better way to embrace that than with new uniforms?


Notes from the Underground

24 Hours in the tunnels

The first thing you notice is the hissing. As you step through the yawning metal door marked “Do Not Enter” into the network of heating maintenance tunnels beneath the center of campus, the steam pipes all around you emit a high, insistent whine punctuated by the occasional blast from a half-open valve. The path ahead stretches off into close, humid darkness on one side and the incandescent glare of naked light bulbs along a long, narrow corridor on the other. The passages are just barely wide enough for one person to walk through at a time, and they stretch onwards until the other end is little more than a smear of glowing color and shadow.


All in the Family

Georgetown extends family health coverage

Do a woman and her domestic partner constitute a family? Most liberal Americans would probably say they do. But what about a woman who lives with and takes care of her elderly mother? What about a brother who lives with his sister and helps raise her children?

These situations might be more complicated, but as of January 1, 2006, they too will be eligible for family health care coverage at Georgetown University. Under a new policy just approved by the President’s Executive Committee, Georgetown University employees can purchase a family health insurance policy that covers their domestic partner or adult tax dependent, as defined by federal tax law.

The policy marks a drastic change from that of previous years, which restricted benefits to “your legal spouse of opposite gender and your dependent children,” according to a Georgetown Human Resources web site. The new policy is gender-neutral and no longer requires that a family involve a marriage.

Many might be surprised to see this kind of policy at a Catholic university, in a time when the Catholic Church has been associated with the strong bolstering of traditional marriage and the persecution of homosexuals.


Cura Personalis

A Vision Obscured – Who are the John Carroll Fellows?


Carroll Fellows Initiative Timeline

1993-1996 Georgetown’s Intellectual Life Report shows that students study fewer hours, work more hours for pay and report themselves as partying more than any of the other schools with which... Read more


Important Notice: Continue Receiving The Georgetown Voice

The Voice is lauching a new website! Read more for instructions on how to keep receiving the email edition.


Deaf to the War?

At Georgetown, attention has flagged from the high point of the pre-war debate, yet some students remain directly involved.


Sailing Into Prominence

Georgetown sailing aims “as one” at a National Championship


Fashion Your Seatbelt – Fall Fashion 2005

What to do, what you have to do, what you have to wear


Make-up, Headbands and Hair, Oh My!

This season’s style for make-up is what we at the Voice like to call “The Flemish Look.”


Meet the Models

Kate Peters What is your favorite piece of fall clothing in your closet? I love my bronze kitten heel flats because they seem to go with everything, and look really... Read more


Big Money on a Small Screen

Think you got game? Then get your weight up and ball with these guys.


Win for Show, Ball for Dough

Inside the Velvet Ropes


Down by the River

Despite high pollution, fishermen and their families cast off for dinner on the banks of the Anacostia.


Cleaning up the Anacostia

The public image of the Anacostia River as a sewage-ridden repository for pollution has tended to overshadow the river’s vast ecological diversity and vibrant life.


Behind the Wheel

Well informed and politically charged, D.C. cabbies are more than a face behind the wheel.


The Displaced Arrive

Georgetown and D.C. respond to Hurricane Katrina


Hilltop beckons displaced students

Not more than three days after Hurricane Katrina devastated the Gulf Coast, students from New Orleans, other parts of Louisiana and Mississippi had set up a table in Red Square to raise money for hurricane victims.