
Reviews and think pieces on music, movies, art, and theater.


Critical Voices: Criminal Hygiene & Dagos, Raid b/w Dinosaurs Are Sad

The East and West coasts have always had their musical differences. The two are united, however, in the new split release by Los Angeles rockers Criminal Hygiene and Georgetown’s own... Read more


Critical Voices: Future, Honest

As I listened to Future’s new album Honest, I came to love its brusk, old-school lyricism and tried-and-tested trap beats. The Georgia rapper broke into the tier of relatively mainstream... Read more


Jodorowsky’s Dune brings epic back from the recycling bin

“Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic.” Frank Herbert’s seminal science... Read more


Saxa Poetica: A Spotlight on Student Poetry

Lullaby Cars appear as white light, sliding then fading along their paths, buckling darkly and blue. In the day the road is all curve, tar-black and heatwave sliding down to... Read more


Touch Me exhibit not very pleasurable

Enter space…interact. The words are printed on an unassuming white wall at the entrance of of Touch Me, the current exhibit in The Flashpoint Gallery. This new creation from the... Read more


Glazer’s Under the Skin out of this world

A black screen. Odd sounds, slowly becoming louder. Suddenly, a spot of light appears and gradually moves a little closer… This scene is how Under the Skin begins. A creepy,... Read more


Under the Covers: Putin’s complaint

Oscar Wilde said that artists are useless. Of all the useless artists out there, some have to be more self-obsessed than others. In literature, Philip Roth comes to mind as... Read more


Day Tripper: Hitchhiker’s guide to the summer

I’ll never cease to be amazed by Georgetown students’ globetrotting habits. I love hearing friends describe the details of their summer travel plans—itineraries range from cross-country road trips to exploring... Read more


Critical Voices: RAC, Strangers, Pt. II

The second installment of RAC’s two-part debut album, Strangers II, is a stark departure from the band’s previous work of creating peppy, electronic remixes for other popular artists. Then again,... Read more


Critical Voices: Cloud Nothings, Here and Nowhere Else

Cloud Nothings has really produced something special with Here and Nowhere Else. Promenading along the line between rage and beauty, Cloud Nothings’s latest release is an effective juxtaposition of pop... Read more


Mask & Bauble’s She Loves Me finds love in a hopeless place

With its comical lyrics and endearing storyline, She Loves Me sweeps the stage of Poulton Hall with a kinetic performance that inspires smiles all around. The musical takes place in... Read more


Watergate Italian warrants inspection

Richard Nixon brought notoriety to the Watergate complex almost half a century ago when he sent his henchmen to break into the Democratic National Committee headquarters. Fortunately, the building still... Read more


Spicing up the hero film, new Captain America marvels the District

Captain America is back! The World War II hero who helped save the world in Captain America: The First Avenger and The Avengers has returned, once again fighting to save... Read more


Deadbeats: Cleaning the artist closet

I don’t know the first thing about rap, but I know that Eminem is awesome. It’s not just his devilish delivery, his introspective lyrics, or his self-aware sense of humor... Read more


Eating Out: Fine dining at the waterfront

We all harp on how much we hate Leo’s. It’s just a fact of Georgetown life. Though it is not “home-cooked,” Leo’s can offer some foods that you would otherwise... Read more


Critical Voices: Mac DeMarco, Salad Days

Beneath his dirty and bayou-esque (although incredibly sexy, if I do say so myself) persona, Mac DeMarco is the archetypal musician. He plays music because he loves to—not because he... Read more


Critical Voices: Kaiser Chiefs, Education, Education, Education & War

If a haunted house with some serious political grievances put on a 46-minute rock show, you might get something resembling Kaiser Chief’s latest release, Education, Education, Education & War. The... Read more


Doubt pushes audience to question the line between truth and lies

Just over a decade ago, The Boston Globe wrote a series of stories about the conviction and sentencing of five Roman Catholic priests for child sex abuse in the Boston... Read more


This Week in Culture: Ballet Folklorico & ABISSA Showcase at Georgetown

Despite the snow on Healy lawn, spring has sprung in Georgetown. With the promise of warm—albeit wet—weather this weekend, two on-campus cultural organizations are seizing the opportunity to strut their... Read more


Smithsonian’s Beyond Bollywood exhibit is not very ambitious

Bollywood is more than a cheesy, showy knockoff of the American film industry. It’s an amazing, albeit often overly romanticized, reflection of Indian society. And, as many young Indian Americans,... Read more