Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor policy

We at The Georgetown Voice strive to have an impact on our community both here on campus and in the Washington, D.C. area. We also strive to listen to our readers about how we can improve and increase our impact. As such, the Voice may choose to publish letters written to the editor about our coverage.

Readers who would like to respond to our stories are encouraged to email editor@georgetownvoice.com with the subject line “Letter to the Editor.” We will make our best effort to publish your letters in a timely manner. The Voice reserves the right not to publish letters it deems offensive, missing information, or not significantly additive to productive discourse.

We thank our readers for engaging critically with our coverage and for holding us accountable.

Letters to the Editor

Stanton wrong about absinthe

I just read your piece, “Goes down easy,” (Leisure, March 29, 2007) about absinthe by Chris Stanton. Unfortunately very little of the information in it is at all accurate and appears to be gleaned from goth fan sites, not reliable sources.

Letters to the Editor

Bush administration maintains double standard

To the editors, Regarding your March 22 editorial (“Bong hits for freedom of speech”): alcohol kills more people each year than all illegal drugs combined. Prescription overdose deaths are second... Read more

Letters to the Editor

Southeast Safeway misrepresented

As a former Voice writer and current Southeast D.C. resident, my concern was with the portrayal of the Southeast Safeway, where I happen to shop. The experience reflected in the article is very different from my own and I get the feeling that your reporter got a distorted view of the store and the neighborhood during his or her brief stop.

Letters to the Editor

Guns would make D.C. safer

Please, give us all a break and stop making silly comments like: “While it’s unclear what impact gun control has had on District crime over the years, what is the sense in allowing more guns on the streets?”

Letters to the Editor

Don’t keep stereotype of ‘Joe Hoya’ alive

I believe I speak for many when I say that I was extremely disappointed with your cover article this week, “Meet Joe Hoya”

Letters to the Editor

Voice backpacker makes rash assumptions

To the Editors, Oh boy. Kent starts off his blather admitting the only place to keep valuables while traveling is in your front pants pocket (“A $350 problem,” Voices, March... Read more

Letters to the Editor

Gallaudet article misleading

Your article about Gallaudet University is misleading the public when it says that “Gallaudet University is still suffering from the long-term effects of last fall’s student strike.”

Letters to the Editor

FELP actually saves GU students money

I read with great interest your January 11, 2007 editorial, “Making Student Loans Easy.” It encourages Congress to provide more money for student financial aid and suggests that the Federal Direct Lending Program is a better method for providing loans than the Federal Family Education Loan Program.

Letters to the Editor

Pot endorsed by God

It’s encouraging that students are working to bring sanity to America‘s cannabis (kaneh bosm / marijuana) laws.

Letters to the Editor

Voice writer wrong about W. Sahara

I wish to address two points with you regarding this article (“The Woes of Western Sahara,” Voices, Feb. 22, 2007).

Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

Over the past couple weeks, some have raised objection to the ticketing policy employed for high-profile Gaston Hall events. Unfortunately, some seats sat empty during the visits by Afghanistan’s president... Read more

Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor

Alexander Guney’s April 6 Voices piece “The fight outside the closet” represents a gross misunderstanding of the nature of stereotypes.