
What’s happening on campus and in D.C.


GWU’s campus plan progresses, GU’s stalls

While Georgetown neighbors are still waiting to see the University’s final 2010 Campus Plan, which the University had planned to present at the beginning of January, neighboring George Washington University is moving ahead on schedule with the 2010 Campus Plan for its Mount Vernon Campus.


Five student residences burglarized

A string of five burglaries and attempted burglaries occurred on campus or within two blocks of the front gates over the past nine days. The latest incident took place early Tuesday morning on the 1400 block of 36th Street NW. Last Friday, another student residence on the same block was burglarized. On March 17, an on-campus residence was broken into during the day. The string of incidents started March 15, with one burglary and one attempted burglary on the 1200 block of 37th Street NW.


GU students MIA in anti-war movement revival

At Washington’s first anti-war protest of the Obama administration on December 12, 2009, activist and former presidential candidate Ralph Nader said the small crowd on hand—about 100 protesters, far fewer than the 1,500 the organizers expected—was most likely due to the mainstream left’s continued faith in Obama’s policies. “Until that really cracks, you’re not going to get a big national movement,” Nader said.


City on a Hill: Brothel boss-cum-mayor?

One-time brothel owner and current mayoral candidate Dennis Sobin wears an Adrian Fenty for Mayor shirt underneath a tan blazer. It’s one of two things he says he got from supporting Fenty in his 2006 campaign. The other was six months in jail.


Health inspections yield violations

Seven popular Georgetown eating establishments received critical health code violations in 2009, according to health inspection reports obtained by the Voice. Of the violators, Epicurean and Company was the most egregious, with a total of 17 critical violations identified.


Local assaulter convicted

Todd M. Thomas, 24, was sentenced to 26 years in prison last Friday after a D.C. Superior Court jury found him guilty of 11 separate crimes, including burglary and assault of Georgetown students. While some local media outlets, including the Washington Post and Saxaspeak, identified Thomas as the “Georgetown Cuddler,” the victims in Thomas’s case were male and Thomas has not been found to be connected to other cases of sexual assault on and near Georgetown’s campus.


Catholic Charities changes benefits after gay marriage legalization

Catholic Charities in the District of Columbia has enacted two significant employment policy changes in response to the District’s recent legalization of same-sex marriage. New employees will no longer be able to receive health benefits for their spouses and will be required to pledge that they will not violate the tenets of the Catholic Church.


Still feuding with GUSA, SAC warns clubs of cuts

The Student Activity Commission may decrease allocations to clubs next year, SAC Chair Ethel Amponsah (NHS ‘11) warned in an e-mail sent to SAC-funded groups Tuesday. Amponsah told clubs that the Georgetown University Student Association currently plans to cut SAC’s budget by approximately 15 percent, which will affect club funding unless SAC agrees to all six of GUSA’s advisory board recommendations.


Saxa Politica: Support student loan reform

As the House nears a crucial vote this week on the controversial healthcare bill, it appears more and more likely that Democrats will bundle influential legislation on student aid reform with the healthcare amendments they are attempting to pass using reconciliation. If passed, the bill would fundamentally change federal student loan programs by ending the practice of federally subsidizing private companies that give loans to students, instead giving federal loans directly to students.


GUSA cuts SAC budget, pushes for change

The Georgetown University Student Association’s Finance and Appropriations Committee, which now has exclusive control over allocating the Student Activity Fee, is considering cutting funding to the Student Activity Commission unless the organization agrees to the reforms outlined in the Comprehensive Funding Reform bill GUSA passed in November.


After a year’s break, class helps to rekindle The Fire This Time

The Fire This Time, the University’s self-described “students of color news magazine,” hit the newsstands Tuesday after a year-long hiatus. Since the paper’s last issue in spring 2009, its editors have worked to revamp the paper in a University class entitled “The Fire This Time Workshop,” taught by Professor Athelia Knight. The Fire was founded in the spring of 2000 following two ethnicity-centered attacks on Georgetown student. The new publication looked to provide another outlet for voices on minority issues.


Hoya plans for independence

Georgetown’s Media Board expects the Hoya to become financially indepedent from the University within the year, though heads of the publication and University officials said a final decision has not yet been made. “We believe the Hoya will be going independent this coming year,” Alexander Pon (COL ’12) said in his presentation of Media Board’s request at GUSA’s Finance and Appropriations Comittee budget summit last Sunday


United Feminists keeps its funding

Amid controversy over whether United Feminists should lose its access to University benefits for partnering with H*yas for Choice in the Plan A: Hoyas for Reproductive Justice campaign, Center for Student Programs Director Erika Cohen-Derr said that the University will not stop funding the group. Plan A’s demands, which include access to material resources such as condoms and rape kits at GU Hospital, comprehensive sex education, and free speech and open dialogue, were outlined in an open letter to President John DeGioia.


City on a Hill: Capitol-izing on commuters

After two snow storms crippled the District, MSNBC pundit Chris Matthews had a question to pose on Hardball: “Why can’t the people who run this city deal with February?” Matthews went on to say D.C. “looked like Siberia without the Siberian discipline” and complained about—horrors!—needing an SUV to reach his studio. Matthews’s commute was especially long because he lives in Montgomery County, Md. That means that, whatever you think of his argument that the District should always be prepared for once-in-a-century snow, the tax burden of that preparation wouldn’t fall on Matthews.


Angert wins GUSA reelection

Incumbent Georgetown University Student Association President Calen Angert (MSB ’11) and Vice President Jason Kluger (MSB ’11) won this year’s GUSA executive election with 50.1 percent of the vote, the GUSA Election Commission announced on Wednesday evening. A record-breaking 3,152 students—44 percent of the undergraduate student body—voted in the election, 543 more than last year.


Philly P’s remains open

Philly Pizza & Grill is continuing to operate despite a notice to vacate the premises issued by the District’s Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs on February 19. In the notice, the DCRA said that if the restaurant did not immediately cease operations, it would request that the D.C. Attorney General’s office seek emergency injunction relief on or after February 22.


Georgetown is still not LGBTQ friendly enough, critics charge

A prominent national figure in a lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender advocacy group is pressuring Georgetown’s administration to better ensure the safety of Georgetown students following what he characterizes is a feeble response from the University to the homophobic hate crimes that occurred on campus in the past few years.


Sex Positive Week returns without controversy

Wednesday at 1 p.m., two girls took turns reading aloud descriptive passages about the clitoris in Red Square, attracting the attention of students on their way to class. One of the passers-by included a bewildered Chris Wright (MSB ’11), who stopped to watch for a brief moment then asked his friend and teammate on the Georgetown basketball team, Jason Clark (COL ’12), “Am I hearing right?”


Saxa Politica: Talking racism at GU

Recent Georgetown University Student Association presidential elections have been rife with controversy, but usually the problem is voting irregularities or last-minute disqualifications. This year, however, the main issue was accusations of racism.


On the Record with Councilmember David Catania

D.C. Councilmember and Georgetown alum David Catania (I-At Large; SFS ‘90, LAW ‘94) talked to the Voice on Wednesday about his run for re-election, his recent work on same-sex marriage and medical marijuana legalization, and his time at Georgetown. Voice: You recently introduced legislation authorizing same-sex marriage in the District, which ultimately passed the City Council in January. However, Congress has 30 legislative days to review the bill. Do you think there is any possibility that Congress will intervene in the matter?