
What’s happening on campus and in D.C.


Muslims support Kerry

In a recent survey conducted by Georgetown’s Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, American Muslim voters strongly support Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry over his Republican counterpart, President George W. Bush.


Leads to Infection

Lead no longer plagues the District’s drinking water; it has been replaced by bacteria.


District city council decriminalizes underage drinking

Underage drinkers at Georgetown caught by the Metropolitan Police Department have not faced criminal prosecution since last May. Now the District of Columbia City Council is trying to make that rule permanent.

The council passed a bill Tuesday decriminalizing the possession and drinking of alcohol by minors in an attempt to clarify existing city regulations.


Meeting aims to repair town-gown relations

The Office of Student Affairs addressed the need for improved communication among students living off-campus and Georgetown neighborhood residents at a meeting Wednesday. The meeting was provoked by repeated complaints during the 2003-04 school year regarding reported incidents of student misbehavior.


Aznar defends Spanish war on terror as new GU faculty member

Former Spanish President Jos? Mar?a Aznar said that he did not regret actions taken to combat terrorism, both in Spain and abroad during his eight-year tenure as head of state in a speech in Gaston Hall on Tuesday.

Aznar, a new Georgetown lecturer, presented his plan for eradicating terrorism, a topic that he similarly discussed during a recent appearance at the University in January 2004.


Students want you to know your rights

Understanding the campus, city and national rules and regulations that govern student behavior can be a daunting task.

To help students to better understand their rights and responsibilities at Georgetown, the FRIENDS Initiative, in partnership with Students for Georgetown Inc.


Henle Village grapples with mosquitos

A recent infestation of mosquitoes has had many residents of Henle Village scratching their heads in the past two weeks.

The University has hired an entomologist to diagnose and assist with the problem.

Christy Anthony, Area Coordinator for Henle Village, said that the problem began during the first week of September, but has recently grown more serious.


GUSA to conduct town-hall meetings in dorms

Georgetown University Student Association leaders are banking on a new type of meeting to make Georgetown students see their organization in a different light.

Starting next week, GUSA will begin a new policy of holding town hall meetings in dorms, hoping for increased interest in campus government.


Saxa Politica

Perhaps the most shocking thing about hate crimes is that the capacity to commit them lies within all of us, as evidenced by the sheer number occurring on-campus each year. The constant presence of discrimination is evidence that being an intelligent and motivated student does not preclude hate.


Students quiet about November election

As national politics took center stage on campus this week, students expressed conflicting opinions about the role of political parties on campus.


American University President faces off with graduate

Students have increasingly begun to post their own news on personal websites. This spring, Georgetown students and alumni, angered by the decline of the men’s basketball team, created an online petition calling for the University to fire Head Coach Craig Esherick.


Three city council incumbents unseated in Democratic primary

Voters in Tuesday’s Democratic primaries uncharacteristically replaced three incumbent city council members.

Because of the District’s heavy Democratic population, the winners of the primary races are expected to coast to victory in November’s general election.


City on a Hill: Equity for everyone, maybe

The gap between the rich and the poor is bigger in D.C. than in any of the nation’s other major cities, and residents are feeling it. Fortunately, their choices in Tuesday’s primaries will bring attention to the importance of equitable economic development.


Students left without Internet

Three hundred and fifty defective media adapters distributed by University Information Services left newly-arrived students without the Internet in their residence halls at the beginning of the semester.

UIS Director Beth Ann Bergsmark said that 180 students who attempted to sign out media adapters after Aug.


GUSA to reform bylaws

After controversy over vague bylaws dominated last year’s Georgetown University Student Association election, a newly-formed student committee met Tuesday to decide how to reform the bylaws governing the elections.

Focusing on a range of issues from spending limits to candidates’ use of other advertising media, such as the Internet, the committee intends to give a thorough point by point reworking of the bylaws to prevent future problems in time for this fall’s first-year representative GUSA election.


Georgetown reinstates contract with Lands’ End

Georgetown recently reinstated its contract with a company it had previously severed ties with because of alleged unfair labor practices. Lands’ End Inc. agreed to end its discriminatory practices based on trade union participation in its Salvadoran factories.


Medical center lays off 65 employees to cut deficit

Administration cites continuing losses; $5 million in extra savings still needed to meet fiscal year goals


D.C. Dems square off Council-at-large position

Evans, Holmes Norton unopposed


ANC Update

No news on the Georgetown flasher


DAC looks to change campus climate

Student leaders hopeful about diversity on campus; faculty debates training