
What’s happening on campus and in D.C.


What would MLK do?

The anti-war movement has gone mainstream.

Last Saturday’s anti-war protest in downtown Washington brought out somewhere between 30,000 and 500,000 people. No matter what the exact number, the crowd included both the usual and some not-so-usual groups of protesters.


Students bring Fair Trade chocolate to campus

Georgetown Students for Fair Trade, a group that has worked to offer fair trade coffee on the Georgetown campus since last spring, has now expanded into a national organization and recently widened its campaign to include chocolate products. From Jan. 20 to Feb.


OIP attempts to determine value of study abroad

Starting this semester, approximately 1000 students from four universities including Georgetown will participate in a research project that will try to determine the value of studying abroad for undergraduate students.

The Office of International Programs at Georgetown is heading the study, which will examine what students learn abroad and the conditions that support this learning, according to Director of International Programs Michael Vande Berg.


GU students join anti-war protests

Not every student on the bus to the MCI center on Saturday morning was headed to the men’s basketball game. Instead, about 100 Georgetown students headed to the protests on the National Mall, which drew an estimated 200,000 participants despite the cold.

Unlike the International Monetary Fund protests in October, which were only attended by about 2,000 people, the threat of war caused increased participation, according to Mike Wilson (CAS ‘05), a member of the Georgetown Solidarity Committee and Peace Action.


AFIRMS releases second report

Advocates for Improved Response Methods to Sexual Assault, a recently formed student group, released a second report on the University’s sexual assault policy yesterday. The report examines the adjudication process and offers solutions to perceived problems.


First-year student takes own life in Village C

At approximately 11 p.m. on Saturday evening, Georgetown first-year student Jeremy Dorfman (CAS ‘06) was discovered to have taken his own life by hanging in his Village C West dormitory room. Dorfman, who was 19, was taken to Georgetown University Hospital, where he was pronounced dead early Sunday morning.


Students call for new assault policy

A group of students has created a report describing suggestions for improving Georgetown’s sexual assault services, which they distributed to various administrators on Monday.

The group, Advocates for Improved Response Methods to Sexual Assault put together the report as part of a campaign to enhance sexual assault services.


Thefts over break cause DPS to urge caution

The rate of thefts and burglaries this winter has been dramatically higher than last year, making students uneasy about the safety of their on-campus housing.

According to Department of Public Safety records, a total of five burglaries and two thefts occurred during the winter break, including several in Henle Village and Alumni Square.


A healthy change

Georgetown, a University that has recently seemed to focus on preserving and promoting tradition, is taking steps to keep up with the constantly changing face of student health.

Throughout the 1990s, the percentage of students on psychoactive prescription drugs rose from 5 percent to 40 percent.


MLK celebration extended

A week of campus-oriented events to commemorate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s life began yesterday as part of “Let Freedom Ring,” a University initiative organized by the Martin Luther King, Jr. Planning Committee. The committee, which consists of students and administrators, formed in October to plan diverse events around the national holiday on Monday.


Whitman discusses EPA’s policies

Christine Todd Whitman, former governor of New Jersey and current head of the Environmental Protection Agency, stressed that environmental and economic policies can coexist in a speech on Monday night.

She discussed Bush’s proposed Clear Skies initiative, which is designed to reduce air pollutants such as sulfur dioxides and nitrogen oxides by 2018.


University hires new Chief Financial Officer

Christopher Joyce has taken office as the University’s new Senior Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer. Joyce replaces Earnest W. Porta Jr., who had been serving as acting vice president and treasurer for 11 months.

University President John J.


Alum receives Rhodes scholarship

Georgetown graduate Anthony House (CAS ‘02) is one of 32 students in the United States selected to receive the Rhodes scholarship for 2003. House is the first Georgetown student since 1997 to be awarded the distinguished scholarship to Oxford University in England.


GU study of alcohol ads released

American youth are overexposed to alcohol advertising on television, according to a University study released Dec.18. In 2001, young viewers saw more ads for beer than for fruity drinks, gum, skin care products and sneakers, according to “Television: Alchohol’s Vast Adland,” a survey by the Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth at Georgetown.


Like a chocoholic, but for scandal

Once again a new year is upon us, and, once again, it is time to make resolutions. Mine is simple: to learn to control my compulsive chocolate consumption. I make the same resolution ever year and, every year, I quickly break it. This time around, I made my anti-chocolate resolution more out of habit than out of a true desire to quit nibbling Nestl?.


24-hour guard policy implemented

After months of controversy, the dormitory lockdown policy has been replaced by a 24-hour guard policy that allows all students access to the lobbies of all residence halls, rather than limiting them to the building in which they live.

The 24-hour guard policy, which took effect at midnight on Jan.


Administrative positions remain vacant despite recent hirings

Although two administrative positions have been filled, several still remain vacant as administrators begin reviewing applications for the positions of Coordinator of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Resources, Director of Residence Life and Associate Director of Residence Life.


Thefts from automobiles increase

Although crime in Georgetown and Burleith has significantly decreased over the past few years, thefts from automobiles, the area’s biggest crime, have increased. According to Lt. Brian Bray of the Metropolitan Police Department’s Second District, auto thefts were up eight percent in November from the previous year.


GIA, JSA organize Jewish solidarity rally

Students gathered in Red Square on Monday, Nov. 25 in response to the recent remarks of Norman Finkelstein, a Holocaust historian who spoke on campus Nov. 18, and Professor Hisam Sharabi, a Professor Emeritus who made controversial remarks in a speech in Lebanon.


More students choosing two majors

The number of Georgetown students with double majors has increased by over 150 percent since 1997. A recent article in The New York Times cited Georgetown as one of a number of schools that represent a growing but not necessarily desirable trend in double majoring.