
What’s happening on campus and in D.C.


Entertainment room opens

On Monday, a renovated Village C Formal Lounge opened as an entertainment area designed for student socializing. The lounge currently contains two pools tables, a foosball table, a jukebox, a big screen television and many couches and chairs.

The lounge will be open from 2 p.


Macapagal-Arroy pledges support

Her Excellency Gloria Macapagal-Arroy (SFS ‘68), president of the Philippines, expressed the Philippines’ support of the United States in the war against terrorism in a speech in Gaston Hall on Nov. 19.

On the night of Sept. 11, Macapagal-Arroyo was the first Asian leader to notify President Bush that her country stands behind him, she said.


Berrigan: American response should not be war

Daniel Berrigan, S.J. urged members of the Georgetown community to choose the path of reconciliation, justice and forgiveness as we consider the events of the past few months. Berrigan spoke on Nov. 20 in ICC Auditorium and was introduced to a standing ovation.


Isn’t it time?

The Center for Minority Educational Affairs and the Women’s Center have cemented their place on Georgetown’s campus for a number of years now. Although the presence of both of these centers have been challenged at one time or another, it seems that the majority of Georgetown students understand and accept the need for such spaces on campus.


GU receives federal request for student information

In response to the Sept. 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, Georgetown University has received at least one request for confidential student information from an agency of the U.S. government, said Assistant Vice President for Communications Julie Green Bataille.


Mock Israeli checkpoint sparks controversy

On Tuesday afternoon, students from the Young Arab Leadership Alliance formed a makeshift checkpoint in Red Square. The checkpoint was designed to increase campus awareness of the daily struggles of Palestinians living in Israeli-occupied territories.

“The basic rights of Palestinians are being violated,” said Jumana Salem (SFS ‘03), co-president of YALA.


Ireland speaks at rally on violence

Former National Organization for Women president Patricia Ireland spoke at the Take Back the Night Rally Friday, joining Georgetown students in addressing the campus community about sexual violence and violence against women.

Ireland spoke to a crowd of approximately 100 people in Red Square, commending the Georgetown community?and society in general?for creating a safer culture for women to live in today than was the case a generation ago.


Gays yet to achieve acceptance in U.S. society

Although the gay and lesbian community has gained visibility recently, it has only taken “baby steps” toward acceptance in mainstream American culture, said panelists Tuesday evening. The forum, “Gay Identity in the Age of Visibility” featured five speakers, three of whom are Georgetown professors.


Club leaders discuss accreditation

The Georgetown University Club Union met Tuesday night to discuss the upcoming Middle States Accreditation process and the necessity of increased alumni involvement.

The Club Union is an organization that includes all club leaders and meets periodically to discuss current student or University issues.


Is Burleith that bad?

A Nov. 11 report in the Washington Post brought to light Mayor Anthony Williams’ failure to follow through on one of his major campaign promises: to crack down on negligent D.C. landlords. Providing safe, affordable housing has always been one of the major platforms of Williams’ plan to redevelop the District.


Student robbed in Georgetown

A female Georgetown student was robbed at gunpoint around 1 a.m. this past Saturday, according to a broadcast e-mail from the Department of Public Safety.

The student was walking southbound on the 1300 block of 34th St., NW, when two African-American males approached her and demanded her to give them her purse.


Clinton said globalization increases threats to U.S.

In his second address in Gaston Hall since Sept. 11, former President Bill Clinton said that the United States should focus on winning its current military fight while simultaneously focusing... Read more


Students discuss GU-community relations

Last night, a student committee presented a list of proposals on how to improve current student-community relations to an audience of Georgetown residents. The committee called for better education of... Read more


Memorial remembers GU members lost Sept. 11

Students, faculty, friends and family gathered in Gaston Hall for a Friday morning Mass in memory of the Georgetown alumni, faculty and family who perished in the terrorist events of... Read more


Tutu preaches forgiveness

South African Archbishop and activist Desmond Tutu praised the value of cooperation and forgiveness last Thursday in Gaston Hall, offering a peaceful solution to contemporary issues of political discord. “We... Read more


New director hired for Gospel Choir

An interim director was hired last Wednesday for the University’s Gospel Choir. The Choir was without a director since late September when then-director Derek Campbell resigned. Campbell resigned a few... Read more


GU mailrooms proven anthrax-free

Environmental testing of Georgetown’s mail processing centers in Alexandria, Va., and at the Law Center have revealed no anthrax contamination. As a result, the 35 mailroom employees who were taking... Read more


GUSA passes Students’ Bill of Rights

A Students’ Bill of Rights was passed unanimously by the Georgetown University Student Association Tuesday night. The Bill of Rights affirms the right of university students to participate in community... Read more


Events educate GU on violence against women

The University is hosting events dealing with sexual assault and issues of violence against women during Take Back the Night week. The week will end this Friday with a rally,... Read more


Time to step up

Last week, a letter was written to the editor of the Voice concerning the previous Saxa Politica column entitled, “What Security?” In the letter, Department of Public Safety Communications Officer... Read more