
Thoughts from the Georgetown community.


Wrap it up: time for a new birth control policy

Last week the Food and Drug Administration approved over-the-counter sales of the “morning-after” contraceptive pill to women 18 and older. The University needs to take this opportunity to reevaluate its stance on the availability of birth control on the Hilltop.


Livin’ in an Amish Paradise

Carrying On: a rotating column by Voice senior staffers


Notes from the underground

One woman’s descent into the addictive world of internet fandom


Waking up on Easter Island

On a chilly Easter Island morning, my dad and I cut through the wind toward the sunrise on a bent and broken scooter; he drove, I clung to the jump seat. As the sky filled with gold and faded into blue, I gripped onto my father’s jacket with frozen hands and hunched behind him to avoid the wind.


The Aussie Animosity

“Aussie, Aussie, Aussie!” The chanting sounded like the din of a sporting event. With Australian flags draped over them, the crowd could have been on its way to a rugby match. But, the shouts continued, “Lebs go home!” they roared.


Taking a nibble out of crime

The most recent Georgetown shooting was simply a high-profile example of what the latest statistics bear out: the “crime emergency” measures have been but a flashy Day-Glo band-aid pasted over a gushing wound that requires major surgery.


Chartered flight to nowhere

This month, D.C. School Superintendent Clifford B. Janey called on the City Council to place a moratorium on the creation of new charter schools. This proactive effort is a major change in the most extensive charter market in the country, and one that could save the faltering D.C. public school system.


Playing hardball with the cable bill

Peter Angelos and Comcast have teamed up to combine two great American pastimes—baseball and screwing the little guy.


Carrying On: 23 is the loneliest number

For me, The Moment came in Leo’s. A few weeks after starting at Georgetown, a handful of hallmates and I were at lunch, still getting to know each other. The conversation turned to high schools. The stories of my suburban public school were uninteresting at best, but one guy, the product of an elite northern prep school, said something that stuck with me.


After hours: some things should stay at the office

My office at the Democratic Party of Georgia is smaller than a Village A bedroom and I share it with three other researchers. I drew the short straw and was stuck with the desk that blocked the doorway into the room. Everyday coworkers have to decide whether to give me the crotch or the ass as they brush the back of my head on their way in and out of the room.


Yo’ momma (and yo’ daddy too)

After dropping my oldest brother off at college, my mother proceeded to cry the entire ride home, silently sniffling as she navigated her way through Ohio cornfields in her red Suburban. Ten years later, after emptying the same, slightly beleaguered car, I stood facing my parents on Healy Lawn.


Peace in the Middle East?

Israel’s recent war with Hezbollah left the Middle East and the world less safe and derailed a Middle East peace process that had been, for once, looking more hopeful than not.


Good men doing nothing

After three years of genocide in Darfur, the United States – once the moral leader of the world – hopes that someone, anyone, will deal with the crisis but us.


No V.I.P. treatment in the club

As a Jesuit university dedicated to the development of the whole person, Georgetown has a duty to encourage athletic excellence at all levels and provide the resources all our teams need.


Yes, it’s duty-free

My accidental dip into sex tourism


Chuting the breeze

A man, a plane, a very bad idea


Living on Zapatista time

Sitting in the Che Guevara Cooperative Store with my language-school teacher I ask him how long he plans to stay at the school and what he hopes to do afterward.


Building the case against tact

Carrying On – a rotating column by voice senior staffers


The definitive immigration solution

The immigration shouting match – er, debate – hit a new low last week when the Republican National Committee ran a series of television ads in Spanish accusing Democrats of supporting a bill to turn illegal immigration – currently a civil offense – into a felony punishable by jail time.