
Thoughts from the Georgetown community.


In compliance, at last

On Monday, April 14, the D.C. Zoning Commission finally gave preliminary approval of the construction of the University’s new MBNA Performing Arts Center, ending a semester-long fight between the University and local residents’ groups. The Commission’s decision should be applauded for allowing Georgetown to better serve its students and community, if not for its tardiness.


Trusting students and faculty

In the coming months, faculty at the University of California will vote on whether or not to institute a ban on professors dating their students. The ban will only apply to relationships between students and professors who have an academic relationship; the idea is to prevent a possible abuse of power by faculty members who find themselves responsible for turning in their date’s grades.


Support the court

The Bush administration refuses to join the International Criminal Court, which was officially founded last month and selected Luis Moreno Ocampo as its first prosecutor this week. Though the war in Iraq has eclipsed this issue, the International Criminal Court remains pertinent.


Not Nirvana, just clarity

I cried the day that Kurt Cobain died. That night, nine Aprils ago, friends and I lit candles and listened to “Pennyroyal Tea” as a meaningful, if juvenile tribute. I cried the next year too, playing my guitar as my mother consoled me, even though she had until that spring disdained Nirvana and their lyrical content-unsettling material for an impressionable nine-year-old, I understand.


My 20 Years with the Voice

All good things must come to an end. Today, The Georgetown Voice publishes my byline for the last time. My first byline ran when I was a first-year, in the fall of 1983. Or was it 1982? No, it had to be 1983 because the theme for my senior prom was “Do You Really Want to Hurt Me?” and I don’t think Culture Club was too popular in the spring of 1982.


Letters to the Editor

Abortion satire “fell short” I just wanted to write to express my disappointment at the section on Pro-Life fliers in the Leisure section (“Coat hangers & pacifiers,” p. 11, April 10). I appreciate the attempt at humor and satire, but I think it fell a bit short.



In “GUSA passes sex assault resolution unanimously,” (p. 6, April 10), Kate Dieringer should been attributed as NHS ‘05, not CAS ‘04.


Going to the chapel

My cousin got to stand in the middle of the couch and sing the solo in the Bonnie Raitt song “Something to Talk About.” We have it on tape. I was incensed. She is four months younger than me and is always getting the better end of the deal. She’s getting married in a month.


A diverse requirement

On April 2, the College dean’s office issued the spring edition of The College, the online newsletter for students. An easy-to-ignore section near the top, pointed to the possibility of a major shift in the way the College approaches core requirements. Associate Dean Anne Sullivan is conducting a review of the College curriculum measuring the number of diversity-related courses offered.


A major choice

While students in the School of Foreign Service are often stereotyped as workaholic pre-professionals, it is becoming increasingly easier to manage the school’s curriculum. The SFS requires a core of 16 classes, a 10-12 class major, many of which have been recently reduced, and proficiency in a foreign language.


A Sweet choice

Goldman Sachs called. They’ve heard that you’ve been doing great things in the MSB and offer you $1 million to leave Georgetown a year early and work for them. All your life you have prepared to work at Goldman Sachs, so you seriously consider their offer.


Adjust your clocks to hippie time

I love Georgetown. I am not an anti-establishment whiner who doesn’t appreciate the opportunity I’ve been blessed with for four years. I don’t hate my parents. I got enough hugs. I love America, and I shower with amazing frequency. I’m a big fan of Neutrogena body wash.


Letter to the Editor

I almost cried with anger when I read the editorial on how Club Filipino’s event on Mar. 28 attracted more people that the Nappy Roots concert (“I-not So-Weak,” April 3 ). Few people know that the African Cultural Showcase was on the same night. The attendance there was sad, despite the efforts of the African Society’s board.


Letter to the Editor

Rape scenes in movies make me think that everyone is insane. I have been raped and do not need to shell out $8 to watch the fantasy of violence unfold before me. I can peruse my own, very solid memories any time I feel like it, which is pretty much never. I was disappointed at Gilbert Cruz’s review of the film Irreversible (”’Irreversible’ unforgettable,” April 3), because I found it decidedly shallow and cavalier in relation to the question of rape scenes in movies.


Applauding a bold new foreign policy

Now that the bombs are dropping, it seems that it has become (pardon my French) pass? to criticize the war in Iraq. Both the policies that got us to this point and the President who used the bully pulpit to spearhead the effort are equally off-limits. Supposedly, this rule of etiquette did not go into effect until after the Republicans were done trashing President Clinton’s military efforts while we had troops on the ground in Kosovo.


If you’re happy and you know it

My senior year of high school I played the lead role in our spring musical, You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown. I’ll be the first to admit that it was one of my highest moments of dorkdom, but somehow I recovered to become the hip, suave person that I am now.


In the affirmative

On Tuesday, the Supreme Court heard the first oral arguments for and against the University of Michigan’s affirmative action program. Through this program, the University of Michigan is fulfilling its educational responsibility to promote diversity, racial or otherwise, in the student body.



Last Saturday, the Georgetown Program Board hosted a Nappy Roots concert to a severely under-capacity crowd at McDonough Arena. On the same night, Georgetown’s Club Filipino held their annual cultural show and dinner “Bayanihan Dalawa” in a packed Copley Formal Lounge.


Say uncle, ‘Uncle’

In the past months, the newly formed Emergency Response Team has consistently presented preparedness plans long on mirage, but short on specific improvements to student safety. The announcement last week of changes to the University’s Caller ID policy, however, provides a welcome change to the ERT’s mostly illusory accomplishments.


Don’t know why

I met Leslie in biology class our first year. I complimented her on a bracelet that stretched taunt across her thick wrist. She told me her boyfriend had given it to her. I wasn’t really listening, as I tend to do when girls go on about their boyfriends. The way she gushed on about this guy made me think it must be a new relationship.