
Thoughts from the Georgetown community.


Undoing student community

The Residential Judicial Council has been introduced in all residential halls and apartments campus-wide following what its executives call a successful pilot program last year in New South. The Residential... Read more


Pigs have feelings, too

“One potato, two potato, three potato, pork.” “Life is like a bowl of pork chops.” “I scream, you scream, we all scream for pork loin.” The new advertising campaign for... Read more


Postcards in the rain

The clock ticks twelve. Midnight. Another day ends. Simple. Inevitable. It passed, in many ways, as days have always?the sun rose, brightening the morning, and set in the evening, returning... Read more


A cycle of violence, a plea for peace

I hardly know where to begin. So many of you have been touched by this in one way or another. I found myself yesterday hardly able to put a coherent... Read more


Before and after

I heard someone yesterday on the radio say that there are moments that divide time into before and after. Today at Georgetown is day two of the after, our second... Read more


The “Freshman Fifteen”

Just over two weeks ago, somewhere in between those amber waves of grain and the purple mountain’s majesty, I sat anxiously in the passenger seat of my father’s FourRunner, eagerly... Read more


Off-Campus and off-base

Once more the University has shown that it does not have the interests of students in mind. This time, proof came in the form of the mandatory off-campus life orientation... Read more


Bringing community apart

Neighborhood residents have always considered University students to be unwelcome and irritating guests in their community. In 1996, they tried to prevent students from voting. It failed. Just last year,... Read more


Making unequal radio waves

Until recently, the Virginia Governor’s race was quiet, which is to say that nothing demanded serious news attention. Democrat Mark Warner, a wealthy Alexandria businessman, was and still is regarded... Read more


GW sends students packing

Last Thursday The George Washington University President Stephen Trachtenberg announced that GW will force nearly 5,400 students to leave their Foggy Bottom residence halls in expectation of massive protests for... Read more


Mohsin’s Sunscreen Song

The start of senior year is a hackneyed topic, so I’m going to avoid it. Besides, everyone’s got something to say about it. It’s old. First-years were annoying for the... Read more


Sprawl attacks American life

Georgetown has something that most of the rest of the country lacks. There is something we love about this campus and D.C. that drew us all here. It’s a wonderfully... Read more


The skeptical granddaughter

When I got to college, I became more selfish. Any change to my life was horribly inconvenient (even if it improved my family’s life) if it changed my status quo. Case in point: My first year, my parents decided to move one block to a nicer house. Granted, my parents liked the new house better and were actually living there all year, but I threw a tantrum.


Postcards in the rain

The clock ticks twelve. Midnight. Another day ends. Simple. Inevitable. It passed, in many ways, as days have always?the sun rose, brightening the morning, and set in the evening, returning... Read more


Georgetown says NAY to BZA

An organization most students haven’t heard of, much less thought about, has the potential to change student’s lives here at Georgetown. The Board of Zoning Adjustment, a governmental body which... Read more


Leave Condit alone, already

U.S. Rep. Gary Condit’s (D-Ca) Prime Time Live interview last Thursday typified for viewers how the media has handled the Chandra Levy saga. While the impassive Condit was less than... Read more


Riot-Grrrl, Interrupted

Riot-grrrl is back. This underground youth feminist movement, which initially responded to the male dominated punk scene, consisted of consciousness- raising meetings where girls joined together in a safe space... Read more


A painful silence

I was raped. Those three words are a secret I kept to myself longer than any other, even longer than I kept quiet about being gay. Rape is such a... Read more


I’m better than Eddie Winslow

Eddie, the oldest son from Family Matters would have had a kick-ass party if Carl and the family went away for a week. He would have invited over some buddies... Read more


Salvaging a scrap of dignity

As if it weren’t enough of a clich? for a senior returning from a year abroad to write an article about the adjustment and reacclimation that describe his every new... Read more