
Thoughts from the Georgetown community.


Catholic U’s canceled Milk screening, advocacy policy lag behind

Administrators of the Catholic University of America last week postponed a screening of Milk, a biographical film detailing the life of Harvey Milk, the first openly gay person elected to... Read more


Carrying On: Humanity’s good nature revealed in marathons

It was an impossibly perfect day. The April air was cold against perspiring legs and raw against expiring lungs. The entire city of Boston was in the streets, offering encouragement... Read more


The man in the mirror: Feeling the pressures of adulthood

Attention Georgetown students and faculty: I don’t like the way I look. Crazy, groundbreaking, and all-around unheard of, I’m sure, but bear with me. Ragging on one’s own physical appearance... Read more


Pigeonholing ‘typical’ Hoyas should not unify student body

We all know the image of the typical Georgetown student. He comes from a northeastern prep school. He wears flip-flops when it’s warm and boat shoes at all other times.... Read more


Excessive, aimless workloads displacing creativity on the Hilltop

          I was passively scrolling through Tumblr with five reading assignments open in adjacent tabs when my roommates asked me when I was going to bake... Read more


District police body cameras offer promising solution to misconduct

D.C. police began wearing body cameras yesterday as part of a six-month pilot program that spreads dozens of camera-equipped officers across the city’s seven police districts. This is a common-sense, pragmatic,... Read more


SafeRides program’s inefficiencies do disservice to GU students

SafeRides is a valuable program run by the Georgetown University Police Department that gives students, staff, and faculty the option to avoid walking alone at night. Although the Georgetown neighborhood... Read more


New D.C. paid family leave program provides a model for the nation

Yesterday, District government employees received a much-needed and long-overdue boon to their occupational benefits—the ability to apply for up to eight weeks of paid family leave. Announced Tuesday by D.C. Mayor Vincent... Read more


Carrying On: Friendships fluctuating during college

  I stared at the couple across from me on the metro. They laughed and held hands as I guessed at the details of their relationship—how did they meet? What... Read more


We have our reasons for seeming like excellent sheeple

  In his article “Don’t Send Your Kids to the Ivy League” and his new book Excellent Sheep, William Deresiewicz insists that students at Ivy League and elite universities, while... Read more


Unplugged: A good cup of coffee is hard to find on campus

  By Parents’ Weekend of freshman year, I had already spent 66 of my 75 Flex Dollars, $2 at a time, on 33 small black coffees at Uncommon Grounds. That... Read more


Sexual harassment in the workplace leaves lasting scars

  ”Play with me!”—these three innocent words, distorted by the seductively twisted smile and a slight nod of the head to the back door of the restaurant were enough to... Read more


Combining campus centers limits freedom of identity

  I recently heard that Georgetown was planning on combining three campus centers: the Women’s Center, the LGBTQ center, and the Center for Multicultural Equity and Access.  I have many... Read more


Removal of H*yas for Choice evinces limits of free speech on campus

A Georgetown University Police Department officer temporarily removed H*yas for Choice from a public sidewalk just outside the front gates on Monday while the student group silently protested the University’s... Read more


Israeli boycott restricts dialogue, but GU fosters academic approach

Georgetown recently became the American college with the highest number of academics to boycott Israeli academic institutions in response to Israeli Defense Forces operations against Hamas in Gaza, with 13... Read more


“Daily Show” Redskins showdown displays monopoly of PC

The debate between Native American activists and National Football League officials over the Washington Redskins’ team name has antagonized participants on both sides of the issue. This past week, reporters... Read more


You are what you commit to, so stick to what you love

  Commitment is one quality that heavily defines who we are as human beings. It is a reflection of not only our values and beliefs, but also of how strongly... Read more


Females and the family feud: Why we deserve to have it all

  Every conversation I have with my mother nowadays seems to end up in the same place: my future.  In my mother’s mind, women of my generation are supposed to... Read more


Carrying On: Navigating a commitment-phobic culture

  Sex has changed drastically in recent years. Well, not the act of sex itself, but American cultural norms surrounding it have certainly changed substantially. Most of us consider it... Read more


We aren’t kitten around: Stop catcalling and inappropriate behavior

  I was running like I had never run before. The wind was blowing through my hair,  adding wings that made me feel extra aerodynamic. I had taken my earbuds... Read more