
Thoughts from the Georgetown community.


Foreclosure a reminder that four walls do not make a home

We have to be out of our house by August 1. The word “foreclosure” sounds so foreign—it brings to mind images of credit rating agencies and the “millions of Americans”... Read more


Transparency of social media puts rapists on the record

On Aug. 12, 2012, a 16-year-old girl named Jane Doe woke up naked in a Steubenville, Ohio basement she didn’t recognize. From what I can imagine, she felt shame and... Read more


Angels of the desert illuminate humanity of immigrants

Walking solemnly into the courtroom on a warm Arizona day, I’m immediately confronted with the smell of sweat and the sight of 40 migrants seated in the rows to my... Read more


Carrying on: Insecurity of the unknown

Among Georgetown seniors, the conversations tend to get a little repetitive—who did what with whom at Tombs last night, who’s going to Tombs tonight, how awesome it is to be... Read more


Gtown should pursue serious housing reform

On Feb. 24, GUSA passed a resolution introduced by Sen. Abigail Cooner (SFS ‘16) to increase the transparency of Housing Services' room change policy. While the bill successfully identifies an issue that continues to plague students—the lack of a clear operating procedure for filling housing vacancies—it is limited in scope and effect.


Tougher stance required to prevent wage theft

Worker rights activists gathered at City Hall on Monday, March 4 in a display of support and solidarity for workers testifying about their experience with wage theft in the District. The Wage Theft Coalition presented the D.C. Council with wage claims amounting to $260,000 owed to a group of forty workers.


Maryland progresses with disposable bag tax

Last Friday, Maryland legislators introduced a bill in the House of Delegates that would impose a 5-cent fee on both paper and plastic disposable bags, the first tax of its kind at the state level. Modeled after D.C.’s own 2009 bag tax, the proposed fee would both reduce pollution of Maryland’s waterways.


To invest in America’s communities, divest from fossil fuels

Two weeks ago, I attended the Power Up! Divest Now! Student Convergence at Swarthmore College in Pennsylvania. Students working on divestment from across the country gathered to learn from each... Read more


Chavez sparked the revolution, time to set it on fire

Hugo Chavez is dead. As a Venezuelan of my generation it’s a reality I find difficult to accept, or even wrap my head around. Chavez came to power in 1999—in... Read more


Unregulated drone wars threaten U.S. prestige abroad

The Senate has finally confirmed John Brennan as the director of the Central Intelligence Agency, yet controversy over the Obama administration’s drone program still lingers. The criticism came to a... Read more


Carrying on: Birth of a self-made man

The thought of being my own boss is surreal. Taking on some kind of entrepreneurial endeavor, making my own hours, being responsible for a group of people, and doing things... Read more


Stewards scandal highlights need for integrity

Last week’s election erupted into controversy when an anonymous source revealed presidential hopeful Jack Appelbaum (COL ‘14) to be a member of the Stewards Society. Exposing Appelbaum and his campaign manager to be members of this secret society was irrelevant and ultimately accomplished nothing beyond distracting student voters from the issues at hand.


Sequester woes offset by D.C. emergency fund

Last month, D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray made an announcement thousands of city officials across the nation wish they could make themselves. The District had accrued a $417 million surplus in fiscal year 2012, and has put it all away in its emergency fund. This brings its rainy day savings to almost $1.5 billion.


New pope must shepherd Church to modernity

On Wednesday, Pope Benedict XVI offered his final General Audience address in St. Peter’s Square. As soon as Monday, the College of Cardinals will begin the process of selecting a new pope—a decision that will present the Catholic Church with the opportunity to maintain the status quo or propel itself into an increasingly modern age.


Soundoff: Debt debate is completely unnecessary

Everyone says it’s tough to find common ground between Democrats and Republicans today in Washington, but when it comes to the national debt the leaders of both parties basically stand... Read more


Soundoff: Fix the debt now or risk sinking later

The federal debt is mounting. It has exploded since 2000, rising over 250 percent. At face value, it’s difficult to see the immediate effects of irresponsible government spending. What are... Read more


Carrying on: Majority, but still a minority

Since the Super Bowl, I’ve been a little obsessed with Beyoncé. I know I’m not alone in this, as it’s basically the only thing the Internet can talk about. What’s... Read more


50 years on, still living in the illusion of a post-racial society

Many have claimed President Barack Obama is the fulfilment of Dr. King’s half-century old dream, pointing to the election and reelection of the first black head of state as the coming of a post-racial society—an America no longer concerned with race, but instead views all individuals based on the content of their character.


Activists demand Obama reject Keystone XL

Last Sunday, the world witnessed the largest rally against climate change in U.S. history. Over 40,000 concerned citizens gathered on the National Mall to demand President Barack Obama use his executive power to once and for all deny TransCanada, a Canadian energy company, permission to construct the controversial Keystone XL pipeline.


Carrying on: Talkin’ ‘bout my generation

At the end of every year, Lake Superior State University releases a list of “banished words,” or words which have been so overused throughout the preceding 365 days that they have lost all meaning and should never be said again. When I looked at 2012’s list, though, I was disappointed.