
Voices is the Op-Ed and personal essay section of The Georgetown Voice. It features the real narratives of diverse students from nearly every corner on campus, seeking to tell some of the incredibly important and yet oft-unheard stories that affect life in and out of Georgetown.


Carrying On: D.C. not doing enough to slow HIV

It’s 9 a.m. and your EMS shift is almost over. You get a routine call to a residence—father and son were doing yardwork outside when the saw slipped. They already... Read more


DCPS administrators doom students to failure

Picture a typical day in the District of Columbia Public School system. The corridors are flooded with loud teenagers, teachers losing the battle to shepherd students to class and security... Read more


Though unconventional, Bitcoin still a viable currency

There’s a lot of hype revolving around Bitcoin, the de-centralized virtual currency that has fueled illegal drug websites, gained over 300 dollars in value over a span of 15 days,... Read more


Two voice solution: Campus press obscures dialogue

In a historic address to the American Jewish Committee this past July, Secretary of State John Kerry called on U.S. citizens to build a “great constituency for peace” in support... Read more


Everyone can use the F-word, as long as you’re for women’s rights

Feminism is a dirty word. It accuses and it undermines. It passes judgment. It makes me squirm when I hear it. Frankly, it’s a bitch. I do not feel comfortable... Read more


Georgetown gets diversity, but not in the ways that matter most

Georgetown is great at recruiting an internationally and religiously diverse class, but I can’t comfortably say that this is true of race and socioeconomic status. I’m a product of broken... Read more


Carrying On: Hoyas, you gotta question faith

When I was 14 my maternal grandmother, a devout Catholic, forbade me from reading The Da Vinci Code. She told me that the novel’s plot suggested an alternative history of... Read more


The Can Kicks Back kicks back: Stop this partisan hackery

Nothing is getting done in Washington because politicians of both parties are incentivized to wage war rather than solve problems. They interpret information in a way that is consistent with... Read more


Carrying On: MTV’s not dead, yet

Our generation screwed over MTV. We rewarded the movement towards reality television by religiously watching every move of stars like Heidi Montag and the Jersey Shore crew. MTV, in fact,... Read more


Did you remember it’s Native American Heritage Month?

November is Native American Heritage Month, and most of Georgetown doesn’t even know it. Before I transferred from the University of Arizona, I was used to seeing Native Americans everywhere... Read more


Dear students, stress levels do not measure success

I woke up one day last semester at 6 a.m., an ungodly hour I try to avoid being awake for at all costs. As I laid there in bed, staring... Read more


Community effort needed to curb cissexism at Georgetown

In September, the Voice published a feature about LGBTQ life at Georgetown in which the Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students Dr. Todd Olson expressed that the University thought... Read more


Carrying On: Hillary 2016, what’s the rush?

With the passing of the one-year anniversary of Obama’s re-election, the speculation about 2016 potentials should be heating up. However, the Democratic Party wants to pick a candidate backwards. There... Read more


Being white doesn’t mean you’re not Hispanic

At a party early in my freshman year, I told a boy that I was Cuban. He immediately responded, “No you’re not.” As intelligently as I could given the effects... Read more


Carrying On: Government must join Digital Age

In 2008, President Obama was heralded as the future leader of the digital age. His campaign was the first real internet campaign, combining social media with digital metrics. For those... Read more


It should be okay for girls to like boy bands and video games

Let’s be honest, you don’t hate The Backstreet Boys or Justin Bieber. You don’t hate their music, you just can’t stand their fans. Despite their success, Justin Bieber and One... Read more


Federal government transition online poses potential problems

Moving governmental functions onto a collective website could result in security threats and unproductive discourse. Instead of making the government more accessible and streamlined, moving the government online could mean... Read more


GOP hypocrisy: Not all security issues are created equal

I pulled into the parking lot at work—a little late, NPR humming on the radio. Stepping out of the car, I picked up a bag of clipboards out of the... Read more


Sexual assault a cultural problem, not a self-help issue

The first time I got drunk, I was 17 and at my cousin’s house in London. I’d had alcohol before, but never enough to feel that hazy lightness I’d heard... Read more


Carrying On: Vaulting success despite racism

When you Google search “Simone Biles,” the top hits are not about how she left Belgium earlier this month as the most decorated gymnast of the 2013 World Championships. They... Read more