
Voices is the Op-Ed and personal essay section of The Georgetown Voice. It features the real narratives of diverse students from nearly every corner on campus, seeking to tell some of the incredibly important and yet oft-unheard stories that affect life in and out of Georgetown.


The importance of being Ernest

At my parents’ house last week, I mostly slept on the couch and watched television, flipping through movie channels and pausing on each one.


The long black veil: Britain’s culture clash

How dangerous is a piece of fabric over a women’s face to the cohesiveness of society?


Letter to the editor: What Hoya crew has to say

When I transferred to Georgetown this year on a U.S. Army scholarship, I was determined to remain a varsity athlete, but to participate in a sport that would be flexible enough to work with my busy ROTC training schedule.


The shock of it all: study abroad myths dispelled

Carrying On: a rotating column by Voice senior staffers.


Ask Annabelle, she knows best

Dear Annabelle: Is it wrong to have a sexual fantasy about a Jesuit? Sincerely, Fantasizing in philosophy Dear Fantasizing: Absolutely not. There is nothing more tantalizing than something you can’t... Read more


Breaking down the barriers

Five beers into the night, I stood bewildered in the corner of the Plaza de Armas.


Liebermont: the nutmeg state’s quandary

For two entire months last spring, Joe Lieberman was my life.


New York’s not my home

Carrying On, a rotating column by Voice senior staffers.


Nov. 7th: The new independence day

My mother has been a candidate in several hotly contested elections, though she has yet to schmooze or kiss a baby to get there (Christmas parties aside).


STANDing for what’s right

Since Feb. 2003, the genocide sponsored by the Sudanese government and perpetrated by its “Janjaweed” militia allies has claimed at least 400,000 lives


Remembering Brandon

Carrying On: A rotating column by Voice senior stafffers


Suck it in, zip it up and work it

One pair of jeans in my closet stands out from the rest of my denim collection—my skinny jeans.


Confronting our creeping racism

America. The great melting pot. Or salad bowl, or whatever metaphor is being tossed around nowadays.


Props to the Pope, please

Carrying On: A rotating column by Voice senior staffers


An Arthur Avenue evening with my father

My dad called the bartender “maestro” as he led me through the crowd at Dominic’s, a crowded, family-style Italian restaurant in the Bronx.


The death of the journalistic dream

A few summers ago, I was asked to write obituaries for living people. Once written, they would sit in a file somewhere, waiting patiently for their subjects’ numbers to come up.


Life and love with Speedy the crab

I was alone in this world; the little six-legged bundle of love I called Speedy the hermit crab had left for that sandy beach in the sky.


Always remember the hummingbird

I’d never been to New York City before I made the half-day drive with dozens of Georgetown students to attend the Save Darfur rally on September 17th.


Digital digestion: all the news that’s fit to forward

Carrying On: A rotating column by Voice senior staffers.


A vacation from your problems

I’ve always had a thing for men in uniform. So when my mother announced that we were being evacuated from Lebanon on a Navy warship, I was filled with silent, guilty delight.