
Voices is the Op-Ed and personal essay section of The Georgetown Voice. It features the real narratives of diverse students from nearly every corner on campus, seeking to tell some of the incredibly important and yet oft-unheard stories that affect life in and out of Georgetown.


Sprawl attacks American life

Georgetown has something that most of the rest of the country lacks. There is something we love about this campus and D.C. that drew us all here. It’s a wonderfully... Read more


The skeptical granddaughter

When I got to college, I became more selfish. Any change to my life was horribly inconvenient (even if it improved my family’s life) if it changed my status quo. Case in point: My first year, my parents decided to move one block to a nicer house. Granted, my parents liked the new house better and were actually living there all year, but I threw a tantrum.


Postcards in the rain

The clock ticks twelve. Midnight. Another day ends. Simple. Inevitable. It passed, in many ways, as days have always?the sun rose, brightening the morning, and set in the evening, returning... Read more


A painful silence

I was raped. Those three words are a secret I kept to myself longer than any other, even longer than I kept quiet about being gay. Rape is such a... Read more


I’m better than Eddie Winslow

Eddie, the oldest son from Family Matters would have had a kick-ass party if Carl and the family went away for a week. He would have invited over some buddies... Read more


Salvaging a scrap of dignity

As if it weren’t enough of a clich? for a senior returning from a year abroad to write an article about the adjustment and reacclimation that describe his every new... Read more


Lies, lies, lies!

As we begin another school year I am forced to reflect on my summer and ask myself the same thing we each ponder as a new year begins and summer... Read more


Welcome Freshman

Four years ago this Friday I crossed the Key Bridge in a taxi, all my belongings in the trunk and my mother beside me for moral support, by which I... Read more


Fox News is the Devil

“Ooooh, look at me! I’m Bill O’Reilly, friend of the working man and foe of government. Look at me fight with liberals and lay waste to the media establishment. Ooooohhhhh.”... Read more


Virtual bodies, real tears

I remember looking in the mirror when I was 13. I examined each curve, each new bulge, with cringing disgust. Fat, fat everywhere. I hated that flesh, that new roundness.... Read more


So long, farewell, aufwiedersehn, goodbye

“I thought you were a freshman,” a fellow castmate (and actual first-year) confessed over dinner. “You were walking into Village C West, after all.” So much for my theory that... Read more


Use a condom, for the love of God

Last fall, an acquaintance of mine asked me if I had ever had sex using a condom. She wanted to know if sex felt different with a condom. I was... Read more


And this bird you cannot chain

I am not a religious person, but I do believe that I receive signs from God. (Warning: If you are bothered by my faulty logic that I get signs from... Read more


One self-indulgent apology

When I was growing up, my dad pulled me aside at one point to impart some advice. He told me something to the effect that I would get to a... Read more


Letter to the Editor

My name is Kristin Campbell. I am a freshman and a Maryland native. I am writing this letter because I am extremely appalled by the way that go-go music is... Read more



The article “Catholic activist seeks repeal of Vatican U.N. privilege” (April 5, 2001) contained a factual error. In explaining how Catholic doctrine allows for abortion in certain circumstances, speaker David... Read more


Who says you should play fair?

Little kids are stupid. They play “make-believe,” think that they can successfully fly off tables and tall buildings, eat glue (or toothpaste, in my case) and genuinely believe that they... Read more


What’s in a name?

Before I was born, my parents had a fairly typical argument over what they should name me. Both of them were relatively recent immigrants to the states and felt that... Read more


Indentified unflying objects

The recent spat of nice weather has invited many Hoyas to enjoy the outdoors again. One could hardly cross Healy or Copley lawnsthis weekend without stepping on a sunbather or... Read more


My very own melting pot

On a very pleasant night in Southern California, I was cruising in my best friend Scott’s Ford Forerunner. We were going nowhere but getting there fast in his gas-guzzling SUV.... Read more