
Voices is the Op-Ed and personal essay section of The Georgetown Voice. It features the real narratives of diverse students from nearly every corner on campus, seeking to tell some of the incredibly important and yet oft-unheard stories that affect life in and out of Georgetown.


Weather you like it or not

They are all over America. People such as Shane Butler in Huntsville, Bryan Busby in Kansas City, Cary Carrigan in Fairbanks, Alexandra Steele here in D.C., Pete Delkus in Cincinnati,... Read more


I talks good

I dreaded every Friday of the second grade. That was the day that the school speech therapist came and pulled me out of class. Even at eight years old, I... Read more


How I spent my spring vacation

The first thing you notice about Cuba is the color. Thick green leaves shade pink colonial buildings, which stand out against a clear blue sky. Old red Chevrolets motor past... Read more


Sweet home Alabama, er, Virginia

“Fairfax is a nice place, I suppose. Convenient to get to work from, it’s got some nice restaurants and a good school system. But no one is really from there.... Read more


Hey! Weren’t you in my dream last night?

I never really held any belief in the potency of my dreams. If anything, this stems from the fact that, until recently, I seldom had them and didn’t really want... Read more


They come from France …

Everyone, and I mean everyone, hates the people who come back from studying abroad convinced that they have “become” Spanish or have “discovered” that they were born with a French... Read more


College Twilight Zone

I’m a believer in equilibrium: Nature abhors a vacuum. People never change. The pendulum swings back and forth. My faith in stasis, however, doesn’t prevent me from having an existential... Read more


Downhill disaster

People assume that because I’m from northern Illinois I love snow. They fail to realize, though, that a baffling affection for flecks of frozen water is not genetically inherent just... Read more



The February 22 editorial “Give US A Break” should have noted that the non-violent protest to which the Kildea/LaMotte ticket objected was the 1999 sit-in organized by the Georgetown Solidarity... Read more



CAMP COUNSELORS?New York. Co-ed Trim down- Firtness Camp. Hike & play in the Catskill Mountains, yet only 2 hrs from NY City. Have a great summer. Make a difference in... Read more


Writing on the wall

I think it’s exciting when I come into a room and see a bunch of crap up on the board?stuff I know has nothing to do with the class I’m... Read more


Music makes the people come together

Napster is almost dead. No one seems to know for sure when it will actually die. In fact, I just went to the Napster website for the first time ever.... Read more


Hey! What’s under there? Under where?

It takes a lot to embarrass me. I am the girl who does the kind of stuff you thought little teens made up to submit to Seventeen magazine’s “Poor Me:... Read more


Georgetown Voice Comics

A comic.


Georgetown Voice Comics

A comic


They come from France …

Everyone, and I mean everyone, hates the people who come back from studying abroad convinced that they have “become” Spanish or have “discovered” that they were born with a French... Read more


What a difference a year makes

One year ago, I was in a very different place. One year ago, I was nearly dead. One year ago, I was in the hospital trying to keep myself alive.... Read more


The irony of beer

Beer is one of the most ugly things I’ve ever seen. It’s yellow and foamy, and it reminds me of a polluted waterfall as it pours over the edge of... Read more


Animal house

The scum-sucker is staring at me. He’s hovering underneath the fake pink and green sea foliage, gills furiously slapping against his body, top fin arched high over his beady little... Read more


The cost of U.S. policy in Iraq

The United States’ policy towards Iraq has been without a sane “helmsman” for the past 20 years. The United States actively supported Saddam Hussein even while he committed human rights... Read more