
Voices is the Op-Ed and personal essay section of The Georgetown Voice. It features the real narratives of diverse students from nearly every corner on campus, seeking to tell some of the incredibly important and yet oft-unheard stories that affect life in and out of Georgetown.


Are you there, God? It’s me, Nathaniel

VOICES BY SCOTT MATTHEWS Boy, there sure are a lot of Starbucks around! It seems like everywhere you go there’s another Starbucks! I mean, how many Starbuc … “Damn it!” I yell as I slam my fist down in anger and frustration, accidentally hitting a cactus that just happened to be there.


Rage against the machine

Teaching little kids English at a French school requires one thing: lots of photocopies. Recent favorites include color-it-yourself numbers, “Dick and Jane” and a scary page from a 1990 yearbook. With the right amount of energy and a not-so-sincere smile, these pages are portals into the magical world of the English language.


Left brain/left hand coordination

Walking into any given Barnes and Noble, the average pleasure reader is faced with stacks of titles like American Dynasty and Bushwacked, all railing against the actions, policies and general state of being of the Bush administration. While their conservative counterparts like Ann Coulter’s Treason are nearly as prevalent, the sheer quantity of inked vitriol directed towards the president is striking.



The Georgetown Voice takes mistakes seriously. We correct all errors of substance in our stories and publish appropriate clarifications as soon as possible.


Letter to the Editor

Corruption and inefficiency plague public schools


The real state of the union

VOICES BY BILL CLEVELAND Tuesday night Georgetown students gathered for “The Real State of the Union,” a panel discussion with several writers for the Atlantic Monthly.


Two questions for conservatives

Can you close your eyes and picture a scarier, more dangerous America? An America in which the ideas of The Nation or Marx’s Kapital had won the day, a world in which leftism had gone so far, become so extreme, that electing even a moderate conservative to national office proved impossible?


Housing development’s leftovers

Ever since I can remember, I’ve gone to my grandmother’s house in Rhode Island for Thanksgiving. Family and friends come together for a celebration and non-stop eating with leftovers for three days. As kids, my brother, sisters, and I always escaped the hedonistic feeding frenzy to go out and explore the woods behind Grandma’s house.


Brief encounters with luminary pundits

The other night I went to hear Martin Amis, one of my favorite authors, read at a Washington bookstore. hoping I would be able to suppress my inner stalker. I admire his novels, his cultural and literary criticisms, his examinations of history, and of course his contribution to Mars Attacks!, one of the most brilliant movies of the ‘90s not disgraced by the later atrocities of O.


The FTAA and state repression in Miami

Last week in Miami, tens of thousands protested the proposed Free Trade Area of the Americas agreement. Trade ministers from 34 countries in the Western hemisphere assembled to discuss the proposed extension of NAFTA into the Caribbean and Central and Southern America.


Letters to the Editor

“Distorted depiction of Japanese TV programming” I was disappointed that the Voice printed such a poorly written article with no apparent point besides insulting Japanese people and all with an interest in Japanese society (Nov. 20, Japanese basic cable round-up).



The Georgetown Voice takes mistakes seriously. We correct all errors of substance in our stories and publish appropriate clarifications as soon as possible. In”Finding the Perfect Sound” (Cover, Nov. 20), we printed that Professor Robert Fair received a PhD from NYU.


Detroit to D.C. and back

VOICES BY ROB ANDERSON Over the course of five days, 43 men and women had been killed, 7,231 people had been arrested, 2,509 buildings had been destroyed, $36 million in insured property had been lost—and Detroit had changed forever.


Hip-hop, hurray!

VOICES BY SCOTT CONROY I’ve never liked rap that much. I don’t have anything against the genre, it just never resonated with me. Other than buying an MC Hammer tape in 1990, my exposure to hip-hop has been limited to what has been thrown at me on the radio and whatever my roommate is listening to at the time.


Correkshuns and apolajeez

Sometimes in the insane rush to meet deadlines (that once-every-three-weeks column has a tendency to sneak up on you), mistakes have been made that should never have made it to press. For this, my editors are entirely to blame. But I will be the bigger man and accept partial responsibility for errors that I had very little to do with.


Avoiding another housing fiasco

As a junior class representative in the Georgetown University Student Assembly I would like to express my disappointment with the new residential point system that will possibly create a housing fiasco in the upcoming year. Since the annoucement of the new hosuing selection system, many have complained that student input was not gathered and taken into account when formulating the current housing eligibility process.


Letter to the Editor

After reading Dominic Nardi’s piece on six hours spent in a D.C. jail (Nov. 13, “Tale of a Georgetown jailbird,” Voices) I felt thoroughly disgusted at his attempt to draw a parallel between his own life and those of millions of people in Myanmar who suffer under the dicatatorial rule of the State Law and Order Restoration Council (SLORC) that is in control of the country.


The residue of that feeling

VOICES BY ROB ANDERSON I never met Daniel, but I am still crying two weeks after the night he died. He graduated from Amherst College that week and he was home on Long Island relaxing and preparing to move into the city. While driving home from the grocery store on a Wednesday afternoon, he was hit by a bus.


Tale of a Georgetown jailbird

Languishing in jail for six hours provided me with one of the most educating and enlightening experiences of my time at Georgetown. Several weeks ago, I, along with two other students and a former Burmese political prisoner, Aung Din, was arrested at a protest in front of the Burmese embassy.


Continuous reconstruction

On Monday, Georgetown University hosted the “Afghanistan-America Summit on Recovery and Reconstruction,” a half-day affair in Gaston Hall that featured speakers from Afghanistan’s two year-old government, several American officials, and a panel of journalists from American publications.