Articles tagged: Productivity


THEO 101: The Problem of Google Calendar

There are certainly benefits to visually dividing up one’s day in color coordinating blocks and receiving phone notifications of events, and I fully utilize the service to keep track of myriad life happenings. But the way Georgetown students use it is borderline obsessive, perhaps straight up deviant.


You’re studying too much— yes, you

However, the real problem is not overstudying on an individual level; it’s the culture that idolizes productivity. When work for work’s sake is valued over a healthy lifestyle, students feel pressured to perform and guilty for not meeting the standard. Mental health issues, exhaustion, and taxing workloads become trophies of success.

Halftime Leisure

The False Notion of Productivity

It’s 3:30 pm on a Sunday. I’ve done less than half of the work I planned to do; I’m sitting in my Henle living room, reading a good book, looking... Read more