
Peter please

By the

October 23, 2003

Peter Jennings is captivating. If his dashing exterior isn’t enough to convince you, how about his 10 years in Beirut as a foreign correspondent?

I was ecstatic last fall when I found out he would be appearing at the Barnes & Noble on M St. in support of his new book. Unfortunately, I’m not as resilient as the U.S. Postal Service-cold rain and illness kept me away, causing those who know me to question my devotion to Peter. (Believe me, it runs to unfathomable, scary depths that I shouldn’t get into in this public forum.)

Maybe I would have actually made it to the reading if it had been held of one of the more inviting bookstores in the District. Believe it or not, there are alternatives to Barnes & Noble. Peter should heed my advice and frequent one of these next time he comes to town.

Though admittedly a little too small to house the throngs of crowds Peter’s visit would inevitably bring, charming Bridge Street Books is a favorite among professors often order books for their classes there. Besides its surprising collection of books on art, film and music for a store its size, this store also offers a impressive current events and poetry sections.

For those looking to venture a little farther from campus, check out Politics and Prose. Aside from their glorious newstand, this store boasts nightly appearances by touring authors. Though not as impressive as Peter, both Historian Studs Terkel and Senator Tom Daschle will put in appearances in early November.

If you’re in Dupont, even late at night, check out Kramerbooks and Afterwords Cafe, which in addition to being a pleasant bookstore doubles as a cafe and bar. It’s the kind of place to read that travel guide before your year abroad in between bites of pumpkin-flavored cheesecake.

For those of you who don’t enjoy access to a trust fund, check out Second Story Books. A purveyor of second hand and vintage books, the store is also home of “the Book Guys” of NPR fame. Peter would be impressed by their media credentials, I’m sure.

Bridge Street Books is located at 2814 Pennsylvania, NW. Politics and Prose is located at 5015 Connecticut Ave., NW. Kramerbooks & Afterwords is located 1517 Connecticut Ave., NW. Second Story Books is located at 2000 P St., NW.

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