
Club Lau: Out

By the

October 30, 2003

Midterms have hit, and I am burnt out. At this point, caffeine is the only thing getting me through long nights and lonely days deep in the bowels of Lauinger. But as much as I love the coffee from Midnight Mug, the sight and smell of the library is beginning to make me nauseous.

Call it what you will; I say that I’m beginning to develop an intense allergic reaction to the library. The symptoms are quickly spreading across campus, too, and alternate studying locations are at a premium. Uncommon Grounds is always full. Sellinger has that funny-smelling lady who now sleeps there. And as appealing as dorm lounges are, they tend to smell like leftover vomit from Saturday night.

Don’t fret, fellow dorks. If socializing with other stressed out, sweatpant-clad students in Club Lau isn’t your idea of fun, all hope is not lost. Supplementary study space exists! If you venture slightly off campus, cute coffee shops and other such cozy bookworm-friendly places abound. Take the GUTS bus to Dupont and explore the possibilities.

Dupont boasts not one, not two, but three sizable Starbucks locations, all ready and waiting for you and your textbooks. Move in, make yourself at home, and relish the fact that you probably don’t know anyone there.

Teaism smells like the inside of your favorite kind of tea bag and is satisfyingly devoid of smooth jazz hits. The green tea ice cream is light and flavorful; the tea is potent. During the week, Teaism isn’t that crowded and boasts great laptop space.

If Dupont were a good place to be at 2 am on a weeknight, I’d be happy that Soho Tea and Coffee was open until then. As it is, it’s a nice little coffee shop, even if it’s not that smart to take advantage of its late hours.

Much to my chagrin, Firehook Bakery on M Street closed this summer. The Dupont location is smaller and best suited to outdoor studying when the weather’s nice, but has the same juicy chocolate brownies. You win some, you lose some.

Venture to Dupont to study sometime and you may see positive results. Heavens to Betsey, that allergy may even regress by the time finals roll around!

Starbucks, 2101 P St., N.W., 1501 Connecticut Ave., NW, 1700 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Teaism Dupont, 2009 R St., N.W Soho Tea and Coffee, 2150 P St., N.W. Firehook Bakery, 1909 Q St., N.W.

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