
Lez’her Ledger

By the

August 26, 2004

D.C. is home to restaurants both good and evil, cheap and pricey, but the problem with being a student is obvious: we can’t quite afford the good, pricey ones. The solution? Parents. Either yours or one of your friends’ has the dough to pay for that delicious meal you just can’t afford. In that vein, each parental visit should become a tour of D.C.’s delicious restaurants as well as a requisite game of catch-up. Try these for a starter course in restauranting and then strike out on your own, junior. But remember, you’re dealing with a classy set here, so be sure to call for reservations in advance:

With summer just ending, you should have your pick of treats at Kinkead’s Restaurant, renowned for its seafood. A newly-renovated kitchen and dining room up the aesthetic factor, but their innovative and fresh seafood remains a D.C. dining staple. 2000 Pennsylvania Ave. N.W. Phone: 202-296-7700

Cafe Milano’s light and diverse Italian fare is a Georgetown fixture; early diners will enjoy a more tranquil environment but miss out on seeing the famous eaters who show up at more European dining hours. Re-opening after August 31, due to renovation. 3251 Prospect St. N.W. Phone: 202-333-6183

Restaurant Nora was America’s first certified organic restaurant, with 95 percent of all of its food coming from organic growers. This fact makes chef Nora Pouillon’s fresh seasonal delicacies a healthy treat as well. With high-quality ingredients and an experienced captain at the helm, Nora is a year-round sure bet. 2132 Florida Avenue N.W. Phone: 202-462-5143

-Julia Cooke

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