
Lez’hur Ledger: Scavenger hunt

By the

September 2, 2004

The next time you’re looking for something to do on a Friday night, try this scavenger hunt with your friends or, let’s face it, anyone who will still talk to you. The person who finds the most (or anyone who comes to the office this week) will be issued a free orphan child to care for as their own.

Can you find:

– A license plate from a DPS vehicle

– A pirate with a speech impediment

– A unicorn

– A fat chick/dude you would do after a couple of beers

– A fat dude/chick you have done after too many beers

– Amelia Earhart breastfeeding the Lindbergh baby

– Crazy M Street Lady (No, seriously, what happened to her?)

– A guy wearing an article of pink clothing who doesn’t deserve to be shot in the head repeatedly (Hint: impossible)

– Busch Light in a can

– A drunk guy who will tell you what’s up

– Enlightenment

– A reason to continue your pathetic charade of an existence

– A nubile virgin who can tie a knot from the stem of a maraschino cherry using just her tongue

– A garbage bag full of premium blow (Hint: 1809 37th Street, ask for Tom)

– The head of an administrator

– Three first-years stacked on top of each other in a trench coat trying to buy liquor at Dixie

-Scott Matthews

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