
Sex and Candy

By the

February 10, 2005

“Do you know why Americans are so fat?” Martine, the 80 pound, wide-eyed owner of my hostel, asked me in her thick French accent. Before I could answer, she leaned towards me, staring at the croissant in my hand. “It is because you eat while you do everything.”

I looked at the croissant, then at the newspaper in my other hand. I have been known to multitask.

“I have an American friend. She eats all day, while she does everything,” Martine continued. “In fact, she says the only time she doesn’t eat is while she is making love.”

Who says you have to stop then? Now you can even chow down while getting down. Thanks to Lunaroma, a Vermont-based company which sells hand-made aromatherapy products, it isn’t “sex or chocolate” but rather, “sex and chocolate,” or whatever flavor might strike your fancy. For Valentine’s Day, the company has come out with a line of edible sex products.

From “dreamsicle” flavored lube to edible panties, the wall of sexy snacks at the Pleasure Place shows that these products are nothing new. There are, however, two fundamental problems traditionally associated with most of these products. The first and most basic is flavor. Champagne punch may sound tasty, but these aspartame-sweet lotions are usually about as natural as the grape flavor of Dimetapp. And, in terms of texture, the lubricants have the consistency of, well, lube. They are too slippery and jellylike to be pleasant.

Luckily, where other products fail, Lunaroma excels. Their body butters, which work as body lotion, massage cream or natural lubricant, come in several yummy flavors including orange, vanilla, chocolate and, out specially for February, rose. The chocolate is a special treat, softening skin and giving it a warm glow. You’ll smell and taste just like a Hershey bar, leaving anyone near frighteningly tempted to bite you … in a good way. And unlike most slimy lubricants, the butters are smooth and creamy.

“There are two groups of people who buy body butters,” Leyla Bringas, Lunaroma’s owner, explained. “Some people buy them as a perfume or skin cream; others buy them for more, well, fun reasons. They leave the register with a big smile on their face.”

While body butters double as lotion by day and sex product by night, Lunaroma’s Lovers’ Body Glaze is somewhat more limited in its uses, and that’s not a bad thing. The thick, chocolate ginger flavored cream is like a denser, spicier Nutella. It can be scooped straight from the jar as a massage cream-your body heat will soften it-or it can be warmed and spread as a body glaze. It’s easily licked off and, rather then feeling sticky, your skin is left soft and glowing. Lunaroma is first and foremost a beauty company, after all. If that’s not enough, the products are all-natural and made with mostly organic ingredients.

When a customer asks if the body butters are edible, Bringas replies, “Well, I wouldn’t spread them on toast, because they can be kind of high in cholesterol.” A smile stretches across her face. “But if they just happen to get in your mouth,” she winks, “that would be absolutely fine.”

Check it out: www.lunaroma.com

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