
Living Wage takes on acting

By the

February 24, 2005

Take a bumbling DeGioia, add administrators reminiscent of Sylvester the Cat and mix with the passionate and acrobatic Georgetown Solidarity Committee, and you will begin to understand where Catholicism Wow! Living Wage Now! comes from.

Directed by Brandon Evans and presented by the Solidarity Committee in collaboration with Mask and Bauble, Living Wage Now! holds nothing back in its over-the-top satire of both the administration and the Solidarity Committee themselves. Memorable scenes include the portrayal of administrators as gophers and Solidarity members going dumpster diving for dinner.

Living Wage Now! is told in the form of an interview of the Solidarity Committee by a reporter from The Hoya, and chronicles the history of the students’ three-year battle with the administration to ensure a living wage for workers at Georgetown. Flashbacks and cheerleading routines are interspersed between interviews, adding flair and humor to this educational play. Also included are actors recounting the emotional trials and thoughts of four Georgetown workers. This provides a significant moral impetus for the jokes and clarifies the living wage issue. The combination of audience-stirring chants and passionate theater make this play both moving and fun to watch, as well as a Living Wage propagandist’s dream come true.

“Catholicism Wow! Living Wage Now!” will be playing at midnight this Thursday night in Poulton Hall.

-Mike Bruns

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