
New Pornographers, Twin Cinema

By the

August 25, 2005

The Intro: It’s as if the Canadians know something we don’t about teamwork. Their ensemble bands, like Broken Social Scene, the Arcade Fire and the New Pornographers, seem to dig that group thing in a way American bands don’t. With their third album, Twin Cinema, the Pornographers have crafted a power pop gem that outpaces their previous two efforts and anything coming out of the States.

Verse 1: For those not familiar with the best Canadian thing since their interpretation of bacon, here’s the rundown. Frontman A.C. Newman brings together the best musicians in Vancouver, including alt-country vocalist Neko Case and Dan Bejar, leader of the quirky rock band Destroyer. Three albums later, they and the six other Pornographers mesh tighter than a 1000 thread-count sheet.

Chorus: Critics use words like “jubilant,” “theatrical” and “brilliant.” I’ve heard them called cheesy, but they’re like two hundred year old French cheese with veins and a pedigree and royal blood. It’s the most mind-blowing cheese experience you’ve ever had.

Verse 2: The songwriters are Newman and Bejar. Newman handles the bulk of the duty, providing complex, evocative pop-rock with cryptic lyrics like “two sips from the cup of human kindness and I’m shitfaced.” Bejar’s songs are strange glam-rock riots with jangling guitars and plenty of yelping. The combination is a success: When Newman is about to turn the album into molasses, Bejar makes it just eccentric enough.

The Breakdown: The best songs on the album are “The Jessica Numbers” and “Jackie, Dressed in Cobras,” by Newman and Bejar, respectively. The first is all pounding drums, emotional declarations and a wild guitar solo. The second is like a Bowie-inspired acid trip.

The Outro: If you like happiness, or think human nature is generally positive, then you will enjoy this album. If not, well, perhaps music isn’t for you. Or maybe it’s just a little too over the top.

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