
Neko Case, _Fox Confessor Brings the Flood_

By the

March 2, 2006

Neko Case can be misleading in the apparent simplicity of her songs. To imagine a woman with a strong, country voice and guitar somewhat underestimates the potential for diversity that her music contains.

At first listen, certain songs on her older albums have the tendency to bore. Many of her slower songs require patience and focus, not an appealing endorsement, but not altogether negative attributes, either. (harveymaria.com) Even with Case’s lush voice and overlapping harmonies, however, her outstanding songs can sometimes run together, as if she recycles one exceptional melody that fits too well to give up. As a result, the basic ballad, usually a refreshing haven within more complex records, can often leave her in an uninspiring rut.

In Fox Confessor Brings the Flood, however, Case takes the initiative necessary to relieve her songs of this indifferent reaction by relishing fuller, baroque arrangements. Her appreciation of instrument variety comes into play with the frenzied piano run of “Margaret vs. Pauline” and the hurried rhythm guitar in “That Teenage Love,” both of which prevent her steady rhythms from becoming monotonous. In certain cases, though, Case adds spark and character with her ability to convey excitement through a sense of joyful celebration; songs like “John Saw that Number” and “The Needle Has Landed” leave slow, meandering beginnings for gospel-like extravaganzas.

As well as this works, the most impressive track on the album derives not from large portions of peppy celebration but from the potential for passion that she has always displayed: “Star Witness” takes that typical Neko Case beat—steady like a train—and infuses it with an vocal emotion that builds upon the song instead of leading it to a dead end. Finally, Case has harnessed her superb vocal talent and with it infused nuance into otherwise bland ballads.

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