
Weekend preview: cultural festivals

September 28, 2006

The Russian Bazaar

Do you frequently find your Saturday and Sunday afternoons sorely lacking in excitement? Don’t worry—the Russians are here. This Saturday and Sunday the Russian Orthodox Cathedral of St. John the Baptist will host its annual Russian Bazaar. The Russians will feed you traditional delicacies including pirozhki (pastries), beef stroganoff and borscht. Once you’re filled with Russian culinary goodness, buy your significant other the perfect gift at the “upscale resale” traditional Russian flea market or find a significant other while grooving along to traditional Russian folk tunes. For all of you freshmen, children’s activities include an Easter egg painting demonstration, cotton candy, animal balloons and Baba Yaga’s bean bag toss. Activities also include a moon bounce; they lost the space race and had to compensate. As the Russians say, eto budet prekrasno (it will be awesome)!

The bazaar runs on Saturday September 30th from 11 a.m.-6 p.m. and Sunday October 1st from 12 p.m.-6 p.m. St. John the Baptist Russian Orthodox Cathedral is at the corner of 17th St. & Sheperd St. NW

Latino Festival

If you’re the kind of person who spent the better part of freshman year trying to crash the international students’ parties, then you won’t want to miss the annual Latino Festival this Sunday. Come expecting music, theater, folklore, lots of good food and about 12,000 other people. The highlight of the festival, Desfile de las Naciones, (Parade of Nations) will feature more than 30 folkloric groups from Latin America, Spain and the Caribbean, as well as 800 dancers!

The festival will be held Oct. 1 from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. in Mt. Pleasant. Getting there: Catch the G2 bus outside Healy Gates and ride it until you get to P St. & 16th St. NW, where you’ll transfer to the S2. Hop out at 16th St. and Lamont St. NW, and follow the music one-fifth of a mile to Mt. Pleasant.

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