
  • By Month

April 2007


City on a Hill: a biweekly column on D.C. news and politics

As Oliver Wendell Holmes observed of the First Amendment, free thought is “not free thought for those who agree with us, but freedom for the thought we hate.” We must be willing to accept those protests which represent political orientations that we find distasteful. But regardless of content, there are some forms of protest that are inherently illegitimate. This week’s Save America Fund “Truck Out Rally,” which took a stand against allegedly lax immigration policy, was one such protest.


Shaw changes infrastructure, not much else

When Ben Shaw (COL ‘08) and Matt Appenfeller (COL ‘08) won the Student Association executive election with 52 percent of the vote, former Student Association president Twister Murchison (SFS ‘08) said that Shaw and Appenfeller had a “mandate for action.” Shaw and Appenfeller’s ticket was the first in recent years to win a clear majority.


Her Adam’s apple gave it away

If I have to suffer through a 14-hour bus ride, I’m willing to talk to whomever fate places in the neighboring seat. When my partner on the ride south from Bangkok happened to be a Thai girl, I was prepared to combat any language barrier that might stand between us. At least I could fill the stale air with my own voice.


Carrying on: NAA: News Addicts Anonymous

Hi. My name is Michael and I’m a news addict.


This Georgetown Life: Later, Lassie

This Georgetown Life is a collection of stories by Georgetown students all based on the same theme. We’ll be right back with a cute lil’ David Sedaris story.


A lack of Sports Information

What makes a good story? Access.


Goes down easy: a rotating biweekly column about drinking

Living in Washington, D.C. for four years and never sampling its Ethiopian food and drink is like living in New York and never having a knish, or calling yourself a native of Kansas City without ever tasting the barbecue. It stinks of laziness, timidity orshy;—worse—plain naiveté.


GEMA opens doors

As the Music Department increases its offerings within the classroom, the program continues to find outside support from the Georgetown Entertainment Media Alliance (GEMA). Founded by Gemstar-TV Guide CEO Rich Battista, GEMA acts as a network for GU alums involved in the entertainment industry, sporting contacts from ABC, AOL, DreamWorks and other mainstream conglomerates.


GU Music Program takes off

On March 22, 2002, several members of the GU Orchestra gathered together in the main hall of the Leavey Center to protest the inadequacies of Georgetown’s music program. As part of a larger effort to garner support for GU music, the sit-in functioned as a way for students to cite the space problems of the department and obtain signatures for a petition to President DeGoia. Instead of wielding picket-signs and yelping raucous chants, however, the quartet opted to perform selected pieces of Mozart for students and faculty passing through the building.