
Culottes for you lots: Pretty in pink

February 14, 2008

When it comes to dressing up for the holidays, Valentine’s Day is notoriously short-changed. We get to wear pretty hats for Easter and little black dresses for New Years, but the idea of dressing up for Valentine’s Day seems, to many, a decidedly tacky thing to do. Mention anything about a Valentine’s Day outfit, and two visions come to mind: the middle-aged elementary school teacher in a voluminous cardigan covered in sequin hearts, and her polar opposite, the lingerie model in a trashy see-through teddy and crotchless panties. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

I want to reclaim Valentine’s Day in the name of fashion. Dressing well is a large part of what makes me get out of bed in the morning, and the occasion to go beyond my everyday wardrobe is always a welcome diversion. Why not, then, add Valentine’s Day to the list of holidays that require new clothes? The line between tasteful and tacky is a tricky one to tread, but I’m confident that it can be done.

I have a somewhat conflicted history when it comes to dressing up for minor, color-themed holidays like Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day or the 4th of July. I’ve fluctuated between over-exuberance and outright denunciation: in seventh grade I decided to make some waves and wear all black on Valentine’s Day in reaction to what I considered to be a silly, commercially-driven excuse for middle school girls to make each other feel bad; the next year, however, I spent all night on February 13th decorating a pair of jeans with all the pink glitter, red sequins and lace I could get my mitts on, and proudly wore them the next day.

Now that I’m all grown-up and actually have a boyfriend instead of manipulative thirteen-year-olds to give me valentines, I feel that I can approach the holiday from a more reasonable frame of mind. No one has to go crazy embracing or rejecting the tenets of this most sugary of days, but wearing a little pink—or even some purple—is a nice way to spice up what would otherwise be just another nasty, gray February day.

I wouldn’t recommend going overboard with the hearts and cupids, but if you keep the silhouettes simple and pair one rosy shade with neutrals, you can’t really go wrong. Depending on your dedication to the celebration, you can add some flair by way of jewelry and accessories. There’s no reason why guys can’t jump on this train too. I personally think that pale pink oxfords are devastatingly handsome, and now’s the time to break out that pink striped tie that’s just slightly too flamboyant for everyday wear.

Valentine’s Day has too long been considered a holiday purely for smug couples. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t had a date in months. Tie that red ribbon around your ponytail and embrace your inner romantic. Besides, if you distract yourself and others by looking great this year, you might not have to substitute clothing for love next year.

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