
Culottes for you lots: Your closet’s secret stash

April 10, 2008

There are so many mornings when I wake up, open my closet and listlessly browse its contents only to come to the despairing conclusion that I have nothing to wear. This is particularly frustrating because I feel like I’m always shopping, and my new clothes are constantly evaporating into thin air, when I know that they’re really hanging there, pitifully staring at me after ownership has stripped them of their exciting potential. Once in a while, however, I’ll remember the secret stash that I have, that everyone has, lying fallow among the hangers.

Upon first inspection, my eye always flits over my going-out clothes, the clothes that are really only marginally nicer than what I wear on a regular basis, but that I save for that far-off special occasion. The black shirt with the lacy pattern, the dark skinny jeans that aren’t all worn out at the knee, the sheer raspberry colored scarf with just a little sheen—all these must be saved for a night when I really want to make a statement. But let’s get serious. Don’t I always want to make a statement? Yes. Would it really kill me to look great on a Wednesday afternoon if it means wearing the same top in a couple of weekends? No.

It’s time to stop hoarding clothes. Everyone does it, and while it is nice to wear something special to add a little extra zip to an otherwise standard keg party, I find that putting off wearing certain things actually relegates them to permanent obscurity. The top I decided to wear today (the lacy black one) is greatshy;—it’s a nice cut, and it’s trendy without being obnoxious. I realized this morning, though, that it’s a winter shirt, and I had only worn it twice this winter. Such a perfect shirt should be shown off with style and flair, not squirreled away until it’s too warm to be worn. So quick, get your fun clothes out of hiding! Let them see a little daylight for a change, because eventually, they’re not even going to be in style anymore, and you’ll be stuck with an ugly shirt you never even wore.

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