
Culottes for you lots: a bi-weekly column on fashion

August 22, 2008

It sounds very third grade of me to say so, but I love back-to-school shopping. I can’t resist the earth-toned window displays, and every year I buy corduroy that I never end up wearing. There are still a few humid weeks of August left and nary a leaf has fallen, but I’ve already cast my summer wardrobe aside and am imagining crunching through leafy drifts in knee-high boots and a navy blazer. I’m getting giddy just thinking about it.

But why am I letting myself get carried away like this? Only a few months ago I was being kept up at night by thoughts of the long, flowy floral sundress that was hanging in my closet, still in its plastic. It was so beautiful; I showed it to everyone. I wanted to wear it everywhere—flit around the supermarket, float through subway turnstiles like a summer fashion fairy.

I wore it once. Now it’s back in its plastic, hanging in a far corner of my closet.

Long dresses are definitely in vogue, but I just couldn’t figure out when I was supposed to wear mine. I attended precious few garden parties this summer, and I was so afraid of getting the silky pink hem dirty that I refused to expose it to nasty city sidewalks. I wasn’t sure if it was too formal for dinner out, but I knew I couldn’t wear it to a barbeque.

Looking back now, I’m wondering why I didn’t just throw a sweater over my shoulders and wear it to work. And why not wear it to a barbeque? I overthought it and ended up missing myriad chances to sport the jewel of my summer collection.

But wait! Summer isn’t over yet! I may be back at school, but that doesn’t mean that the second I crack open my books the air is going to chill and the trees are going to turn. We’re in D.C., where Indian summers abound, and it stays warm well into October. Hopefully someone in Burleith will throw a garden party, but if not, I might just put it on and walk around the lawn relishing the last few rays of summer sun—the leaves can wait.

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