
Brief breakfast

September 24, 2009

This might not surprise anyone, but getting out of bed can be a grueling task for college students. If given the choice, most will sleep the extra fifteen minutes and grab a Clif Bar on the way to class rather than sit down to eat. We skip breakfast in favor of a Leo’s lunch; few of us even make that tedious walk to Midnight Mug or Vittles to pick up the same old carby bagel with cream cheese. In short, cooking breakfast is a low priority on weekday mornings. This is a mistake. Honey-Banana Stuffed French Toast is deceptively decadent, and all you need is a few simple ingredients, a frying pan and those precious ten to fifteen minutes before class to make breakfast worthwhile.
The recipe calls for eggs, milk, honey, bananas, and your choice of bread (I recommend croissants—easier to stuff). Most of these ingredients you probably already have in your kitchen, but if not, don’t fear, these items can be found at Leo’s.
To prepare, mix your eggs and milk together in a bowl until well blended (add cinnamon for extra flavor). Slice your bananas, and in a different bowl combine them with the honey. Put your skillet over medium heat and drop in some butter. Slice your croissants down the middle, lengthwise, about half way and drop in your banana filling. Once the butter is melted, grab your stuffed croissants, dip both sides evenly into the batter and drop them onto the skillet. Cook for about four minutes before flipping. Once both sides are golden brown, remove the toast from skillet and enjoy. For garnish, add maple syrup or powdered sugar.
That’s it. Trust me, after trying this meal, you will never want to half-ass breakfast again.
Honey-Banana Stuffed French Toast

2 eggs
3⁄4 cup milk
1⁄2 cup honey
2 bananas
2 croissants
1 tbsp cinnamon (optional)

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Breakfast Skipper

Your absolutely right, typically I would skip breakfast. I loved your recipe, quick, easy & tasty!!!

Thank you Amanda!! keep-um coming

