Halftime Leisure

Archer  Is Back In Style

January 29, 2015

Sterling Malory Archer, everyone’s favorite socially dysfunctional spy, is back in a big way. Airing every Thursday at 10, season 6 of Archer takes the show back to its roots. Season 5’s Archer Vice disappointed some fans with its change in style, as the cast left behind their spy careers for a taste of the drug cartel business. Now Archer and friends are back to their espionage ways, although they now work for the CIA instead of the traditional ISIS (due to associations with the terrorist group).

Three episodes of the season have aired so far, and if they’re any indication, the show is as funny as ever. Storylines have featured a Japanese soldier who doesn’t realize World War II has ended, the return of CIA agent Conway Stern, and an assassination mission in the Swiss Alps.

The show holds on to many of its longstanding traditions, with fan-favorite jokes like “phrasing”, clone-Krieger, and comically poor disguises from Archer all returning. The style of the show also remains very familiar, with frequent deadpan humor and repeated jokes throughout an episode (one about the Axis powers in episode three was particularly amusing). Even the opening of the season premier, with Archer running off on an alcohol-fueled binge, is only a variation on previous seasons (though I doubt anything will match Archer thinking that he is Bob from Bob’s Burgers).

Still, a new season will always bring new developments as well. The biggest change is Archer and Lana’s daughter, Abijean (or AJ), who doesn’t inhibit the wild antics of either parent (especially Archer), but changes the already complicated relationship between the two. On a funnier note, Milton, the new office copy machine that makes toast, is absolutely hilarious.

With this mix of Archer classics and entertaining changes, the show is a must watch, and is still  one of the funniest shows on TV.

Photo: The Daily Beast

Jon Block
Jon was podcast editor, Halftime leisure editor, and Halftime sports editor for the Voice. You can follow him on Twitter @jon_block_ but not on Instagram because he doesn't have one.

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