Halftime Leisure

The Weekly List: Danish Pop

September 4, 2017

Like many college students before me, I studied abroad this past semester. I was lucky enough to spend a few months in Copenhagen. I biked, reaped the benefits of free public healthcare, and enjoyed local delicacies like herring and Carlsberg. I will most likely bend many people’s ears off in the coming months about how my life was changed. To do the Danish some justice, I figured I could at least shed some light on their interesting taste in music. These Nordic people have an odd affinity for techno, and nothing can quite match the uniqueness of rap performed in a language with so many vowels and silent letters. This is The Weekly List: Danish Pop.

  1. Infernal: “From Paris to Berlin”

One of  Denmark’s most popular songs on the international charts, this German techno-esque pop track is perfect for a night out. With its repetitive hook and chorus, you’ll know the few words to this hit fairly quickly.

  1. Nik and Jay: “Lækker”

The easiest way to describe this is a white, tall, blonde version of the Ying Yang Twins who rap in Danish. Please enjoy “Lækker,” which means “delicious” in Danish.

  1. Christopher: “CPH Girls”

Not quite California Girls, but this dance track, featuring Brandon Beal, a rapper who has done much better in Denmark than the US, represents issues about gender that are problematic in mainstream Danish pop and in pop music overall. The music video features the singer dancing around various parts of New York, with no concept of what Christopher Street or its history is.

  1. Gilli: “Rica”

Danish rapper Gilli released this interesting track earlier this summer. Spanish words, like the title, pop up through his words in Danish. Based on his beats, he is definitely hopping on the dancehall wave that has been heavily influencing recent radio-play music.

  1. Aqua: “Doctor Jones”

This band, more popularly known for their song, “Barbie Girl,” does not deviate much on their second most popular track, using almost the exact same formula to create an unforgettably strange piece of music.

  1. Node: “De Snakker”

Based off my primitive knowledge of Danish, this title means “they talk.” I’m sorry to say I did not learn as much Danish as I would have liked to. Nevertheless, this progressive house track utilizes Afrobeat influences to be pleasant background music whether or not you can understand the language.

Although my choices of Danish music are some of the most popular oddballs of the bunch, I do miss the Nordic beauty. If you ever meet any Danes, I hope you impress them with these musical deep cuts.

Michael Bergin
Mike Bergin is the former executive culture Editor for the Georgetown Voice. You can follow him on Twitter @mbergin95


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