
Weapons policy signage headed to Commision of Fine Arts after Old Georgetown Board Approval

November 15, 2018

The Old Georgetown Board (OGB) approved 21 signs displaying Georgetown University’s weapons policy to be posted around campus at their Nov. 1 board meeting. If the proposal for the signs is approved by the District of Columbia’s Commission of Fine Arts (CFA), they will be posted in the coming months.

“These signs are intended to inform those entering campus that firearms and other weapons are prohibited on private university property, which has always been Georgetown’s policy,” a university spokesperson wrote in an email to the Voice. While a 2017 Federal Court ruling overturned D.C.’s ban on concealed carry weapons, firearms are still prohibited on university and college campuses.

At their monthly meetings, the OGB reviews potential projects in the Georgetown neighborhood in an attempt to preserve the area’s history. The OGB is comprised of 3 architects, all appointed by the CFA. After reviewing projects, the boardsends their recommendations to the CFA for approval. The weapons signs for Georgetown’s campus will be reviewed at the CFA’s Nov. 15 meeting.

The signs will be 12” by 18” in size, and will be displayed in several locations around campus. In their recommendation to the CFA, the OGB noted that any changes in the design of the signs will have to be re-submitted and re-approved by the OGB. Though American University and the George Washington University both also prohibit firearms on their property, they do not have signage advertising the ban.

Katherine Randolph
Katherine is the Voice's editor-in-chief. She enjoys both causing and covering mayhem, following raccoons on Instagram, and making her own scrunchies.

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