Halftime Leisure

Freshly Baked Takes On The Great British Baking Show

September 8, 2019

Alas, it is that time again. No not apple picking season or the winter holiday, it is Great British Baking Show season. This season does not fail to bring all the sugar, smiles, tears, and fallen cake. Or shall I say *will* not fail as Netflix has taken it upon themselves to ruin every binge-watchers life and release season ten in weekly increments. As much as I would like to curl up in a ball in bed and watch Paul Hollywood’s revered handshakes, this new weekly schedule does afford the opportunity to predict how this season will turn out:

  1. Jamie is HOT. A man who can bake and has a cute smile takes the cake! (No pun intended of course)
  2. Jamie will unfortunately probably not make it very far. While he can definitely bake a better fruit cake than I, he is not quite up to par with his fellow contestants.  
  3. While I praise David’s attempt to be healthy and substitute fat alternatives into his baking style, I presume this will eventually catch up with him. After all, baking is about the balance between fats and sugar. I suspect that Prue will demand her butter. 
  4. Personally, I predict that the final four will come down to Pryia O’Shea (rumor has it she was already offered a book deal!), Amelia LeBruin, Henry Bird, and Steph Blackwell. 
  5. If Henry Bird can get over his fear of critique, he will take the cake, no doubt. While a shy soul, his natural talent for baking as well as his eye for detail is the recipe for a winner. 
  6. If not Henry, my second choice is Amelia LeBruin. Amelia’s youthful take on baking will appeal to the likes of Paul Hollywood, while her attention to flavor will impress Prue.

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