Halftime Leisure

Crop Tops and Butt Slit Jeans: The Best and Worst Women’s Fashion Trends of the 2010s

November 22, 2019


Alright folks. We’ve done it. We’ve reached the end of the 2010s—well, more or less, but to be fair, everything after Halloween is objectively December. In the spirit of celebrating all we’ve accomplished this decade, it’s time we looked back—literally—to what we’ve been wearing for the past 10 years.

These 10 years in fashion have been wild. I mean, the decade started when I was in third grade, and now I am in college. Within that time the ’60s came back, the ’70s came back, the ’80s came back, the ’90s came back, and honestly I think the 2000s may be starting to come back a bit which makes me incredibly concerned. We wore our jeans high and our shirts low; we put weird crap in our hair in middle school that we now realize was just not as cute as we thought it was. Just as we all evolved this decade, so too did fashion, and it’s time we look back on the best and worst fashion trends of the last 10 years.

The Good:

Crop Tops

Crop tops came on the scene in 2013, and there’s a reason they’ve been here to stay. I have to say, this is easily the best fashion trend of the decade. Nicely paired with some nice high-waisted pants or shorts, there is no limit to what a good crop top can do. This trend has evolved over the past 7 years, and I definitely appreciate the changes in cuts and styles from the ugly patterns we all wore during my middle school years. But I love a crop top with just about anything, so here’s to hoping they’re here to stay!


I suppose putting scrunchies in the “good” category very much makes me a VSCO girl, but hear me out: This trend is a real winner. As somebody who vehemently refused to put her hair up ever until this year, I have to say that wearing a scrunchie really adds something to an outfit. I can finally feel cute and stylish for putting my hair in a ponytail and not just acutely aware that I am having a bad hair day. Fair—it’s basic, but it’s okay. I will take the criticism and own it, because it’s always great to add a cute splash of color to fun fall outfit.


With the rise of Lululemon and Athleta, athleisure has been a trend embraced not just by suburban moms but by almost everyone throughout the decade. And it’s much to our benefit. Leggings are fantastic and ridiculously comfortable. Plus, athleisure is basically the only way you can get away with dressing comfy at Georgetown without weird stares from men in suits. So because this is a Georgetown publication, I am actually legally obligated to put athleisure up there with the best trends of the 2010s.

Mom Jeans

This one is a hot take. Look, we all know and accept that mom jeans are ugly. But for whatever reason we have decided that they are culturally acceptable for the first time since the early ’90s, and there’s no reason not to embrace a ridiculously comfortable jean trend when it comes back around. The best thing about mom jeans is that no one can really expect you to look great if you’re wearing them, but they’re functional, they’re comfy, and they’re still cute and fun to pair with a tucked in t-shirt or sweater!

High-Waisted Shorts

I LOVE my high-waisted shorts. They work with everything: crop tops, t-shirts, even sweaters for when it’s too cold to wear a summer outfit but not cold enough for it to be fall. Plus, they’re one of those rare fashion trends that actually do embrace people of all body types, not just the models wearing them. The fact that this has remained a trend for so long is a really positive thing.

The Bad:

Flower Crowns

Once again, the 1960s came back in full force in 2015 when everyone and their mother decided it was a good idea to spice up their summer outfits with a cute Urban Outfitters flower crown. I feel like this could’ve been a fun and cute trend if people went with actual flowers, but wearing weird plastic wires in your hair with your Brandy top for no reason just seems futile and unnecessary to me.

Galaxy Leggings

Why? Honestly why? What were we thinking? I’m not sure if everyone remembers when patterned leggings were THE thing in 2014, but looking back on my middle school photos makes me cringe to no end. All I wore were my galaxy leggings! Why! Why would you want your legs to look like space! They are not a 2010 Windows screensaver! That’s all I can say for this one. Just…thank god we keep the galaxy print out of our fashion nowadays. This was not a good look.


This one is a hot take, and I’m really sorry. There was a time in 10th grade when I also really loved chokers and wore them with everything. But with a few years perspective, I look back and question WHY we thought that bringing back this ’90s trend was the right move. The point of lower necklines is to let your neck breathe, not to leave room to suffocate her with a $3 black band from Forever 21. Okay look, I’m being harsh. Maybe they can look fine with the right sweater and proper neckline. But celebrities were truly wearing this ish on the red carpet, and it’s just like please put on a necklace.

Hair Feathers

We’re throwing it WAY back for this one but remember in 2010 when everyone put feathers in their hair? This was certainly a remnant of the weird grossness that was 2000s fashion when people thought chunky highlights were the look. All I can say is that I’m really glad this one got flushed out by the time I graduated from the fifth grade. I’m not the biggest fan of colorful streaks in general, so I just cannot understand why we thought it was a good idea to put weird black and blue striped FEATHERS in our hair. Also, I have curly hair so I could never even get a feather because it wouldn’t sit right but whatever, elementary school me wasn’t even mad.

Butt Slit Jeans

I still cannot even wrap my head around why this was a thing. I love ripped jeans as much as the next girl but really? This just doesn’t look cute. Rips belong on the front of jeans! Shred them all you want but pleaseee keep them in tact on your backside. I honestly cannot imagine having both the back and front of my jeans open. It’s just too cold out for that.


All in all, the 2010s took us on some up and downs, but we’ve pushed through the bad and made it out the other end. Here’s looking forward to a new start in 2020, and here’s praying we don’t see a return of early 2000s fashion. Please. I’m begging you all.

Orly Salik
Orly is a junior in the college and an assistant editor for Leisure. She exclusively wears heels so that people don't realize how short she is.

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