Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, affectionately known as RBG, died at the age of 87 from complications of pancreatic cancer on Sept. 18. 

Ginsburg was known for her life work of fighting for women’s rights and gender equality. Despite working for both Harvard and Columbia universities’ law reviews, she was offered no law jobs after her graduation and fought systemic sexism throughout her career. In 1972, Ginsburg became the first female law professor at Columbia. 

Ginsburg was nominated to the Supreme Court by President Bill Clinton in 1993, the second woman to ever be nominated for the position and the first Jewish woman. She sat on the bench for 27 years before her death last week. 

In her later years, Ginsburg became a national icon. Nicknamed the “Notorious RBG,” in a nod to the rapper The Notorious BIG, she was beloved by America’s liberal youth. The following pictures depict Ginsburg’s final trip to the Supreme Court on Sept. 23, where her casket was taken for a private service inside before resting at the top of the court’s marble staircase for two days for mourners to view. 

Photo by Anna Yuan. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg lies in repose on Sept. 23 before the Supreme Court for mourners to view, flanked by two of her law clerks. Upon the arrival of her casket, approximately 120 of her current and former law clerks accompanied her body up the steps of the Supreme Court.Photo by Anna Yuan.

Photo by Anna Yuan Commemorative drawings of Ginsburg and bouquets of flowers were left by mourners? within line barriers in front of the Supreme Court on Sept. 23. Ginsburg was considered a champion of women’s rights.Photo by Anna Yuan

Photo by Anna Yuan. Mourners look onto Ginsburg’s casket on the steps of the Supreme Court on Sept. 23. Ginsburg retains a powerful legacy after a lifetime of fighting for gender equality.Photo by Anna Yuan.

Photo by Anna Yuan. The U.S. flag hangs at half-mast before the Capitol building in honor of Ginsburg on Sept. 23. Flags around the country were lowered in commemoration of her death and the flags before the Supreme Court will be flown at half-mast for 30 days in honor of the late Justice.Photo by Anna Yuan.

Photo by Anna Yuan. Two security officers stand outside the Supreme Court as mourners file past the casket of late Ginsburg to pay their respects. A short service was held inside the Supreme Court on Sept. 23.Photo by Anna Yuan.

Photo by Anna Yuan. Night falls on the Supreme Court as Ginsburg’s body lies in repose for the first day of two days for public viewing by mourners. President Bill Clinton, who nominated her to the Supreme Court in 1993, paid his respects on Sept. 23. President Donald Trump visited her casket on Sept. 24.Photo by Anna Yuan.

Photo by Anna Yuan. News networks report live from outside the Supreme Court on Sept. 23. National news has been focused on the politics of Ginsburg’s death, particularly after President Trump vowed to fill her Supreme Court seat. Ginsburg’s last wish was not to be replaced until a new president is sworn into office.Photo by Anna Yuan.

Photo by Anna Yuan. Night falls on the U.S. Capitol building on Sept. 23. After two days of lying in repose on the steps of the Supreme Court, Ginsburg’s casket was moved to the Capitol building on Sept. 25 where she will be the first Jewish person and first woman to lie in state.Photo by Anna Yuan.

Sarah Watson contributed to this report.

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