
How to contribute to the Voice!

August 12, 2021

Join the Voice. Deborah Han

Hey you! 

Is there something on your mind? A performance you really loved, a show you hated, information you’ve heard on campus, a sport you think more people should watch, a podcast you want to record, or take you’re burning to write? You can publish that with us — yes, even if you’re not a member. 

While we love our staff writers and regular contributors, we know not everyone has the time or desire to write for us regularly. (if you are interested in joining, check out this page for more information or sign up here to receive emails about meetings!) So, we are happy to accept one-time pieces from anyone in the Georgetown or broader D.C. community as long as they fit under one of our sections and are consistent with our editorial policy (i.e. no discriminatory pieces will be accepted.) Students, professors, staff members, and community members with pitches for us should contact the section editor for the area their piece will fall under (descriptions below.). If possible, please send your draft as a Google Document editor can make suggestions on.

Once your piece is submitted, it will go through two or three rounds of editing. These are not intended to challenge your thesis or change the message of the piece, but to make sure the article is clear, easy to read, and as strong as possible. All edits will be made as a suggestion, and you will have the opportunity to accept or reject each suggestion. Once all the rounds of editing are complete, the piece will be posted on our site! 

In order to submit a piece, please email the section editor whose section description best fits your piece. If you’re not sure, no worries – just shoot a description to


The News section reports on the Georgetown campus, the neighborhood, and larger issues affecting students every day on our website. 

Contact our news editor at


Features publishes longer pieces with multiple interviews and in-depth reporting about Georgetown or the city at large. 

Contact our features editor at


Covering local and D.C. arts and entertainment, the Leisure section writes about music, movies, theater, comedy, and food on our website. 

Contact our leisure editor at 


Sports provides coverage of various men’s and women’s athletic teams, including basketball, lacrosse, baseball, football, hockey, and soccer, on our website and provides live tweets on Hoyas games at @GUVoiceSports. 

Contact our sports editor at 


Launched in 2014, Halftime is the Voice‘s sports and leisure blog, where our staffers write about their favorite teams, music, TV shows, and much, much more. Any non-Georgetown or DC leisure and sports should be directed here.

Contact our Halftime editors at 


Voices is the Voice’s op-ed section. All members of the Georgetown community are invited to submit reflective, humorous, political, or opinion pieces.

Contact our Voices editor at 


Our podcast section features podcasts by and for students about life on campus, politics, movies, or whatever strikes your fancy.

Contact our photo editor at 

Annemarie Cuccia
Annemarie is an avid Voice reader and former editor-in-chief. She hopes she left the magazine better than she found it.

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