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Taste goes out the window

The dismembered hand flew through the air and struck my date in the face. The leather-and-lingerie-clad woman who had flung it, demonstrating remarkable power considering she was using her teeth, bared her choppers to the crowd and gave one last howl before finishing Bill, her meal. Laughter erupted, fake blood spurted, someone quickly flashed the audience, and the lights went down.


Kiss those group projects goodbye

MOB. MOC. MIS. No, they’re not airport codes or even covert military operations. They are the links that comprise a backbone of BS, a.k.a. the MSB. My failure to understand the McDonough School of Business does not stem from COL pride. Hurt pride, perhaps, but had it not been for the confessions of MSB students themselves, I would still be in the dark about Georgetown’s business program and consequently, the invalidity of its very existence.


Delicious any way you pronounce it

“Koichi, could you read the following passage to the class?” Every new semester, my professors find a new way to say my name. For just a second, I think about correcting the mispronunciation, but my instinctual unwillingness to stir the pond takes over. As the situation continues, some classmates shoot me half-embarrassed glances as they uneasily wait for my reaction.


Letter to the Editor

I appreciate your article about ANSWER (“In the Anti-war Movement is Only One ANSWER Right?” Jan. 30). While it is nice that there is such a large organization opposed to war, it is not the only movement. I am a member of the Libertarian Party, a group you would find holding “Starbucks in Iraq” signs before any sort of Marxist Revolutionist propaganda.


Detached, ironically

If college is a part of my formative years, then it is safe to say that I am still developing the basic paradigms through which I view the world. I don’t just mean my stance on political systems such as representative democracy or bureaucratic authoritarianism, or how to choose an appropriate theoretical economic framework with which to analyze the Mexican debt crisis of 1982.


The Sports Sermon

We just don’t get what all the fuss is about! People keep bitching and moaning about coaches and athletes like they’re doing something wrong, but we just don’t see it.

Yeah, so what if LeBron James has a $50,000 Hummer that he drives to school every day? Didn’t we all? And who cares if he hit another woman’s car and drove away … we’ve all been there.


Thank me later

Forget football. The game to which I devoted so much time, energy, and money for pitchers has broken my heart and left me for dead. As if it wasn’t bad enough that I went to the final game at the Vet expecting to tear up the seats as the final whistle blew, I had to then sit through a boring three-hour craptacle some people call the Super Bowl.


Hoyas mauled by Panthers

The Georgetown women’s basketball team lost their fourth straight game on Wednesday night at McDonough Arena as visiting Pittsburgh dominated the Hoyas 91-72. Sophomore guard Mary Lisicky led all scorers with 27 points in the defeat. The loss drops the Hoyas to 11-6 (2-4 Big East).


Esherick’s Island

Now sit right back and you’ll hear a tale, a tale of a Georgetown team … They’re struggling through their ups and downs to try to reach a dream. Our season started out OK as Georgetown won eight straight, Although the teams the Hoyas played were really not that great.


Hoyas fall in OT, NCAAs in serious doubt

“The season’s not over,” said Georgetown Head Coach Craig Esherick after the Hoyas’ (10-6 overall, 2-4 Big East) 93-82 overtime loss to Seton Hall (8-9 overall, 3-4 Big East) last night at the MCI Center.

Unfortunately, with torturous, heartbreaking losses as the norm rather than the exception, it is becoming much harder to believe him.


Find the fish

If you like seafood, gritty urban warehouses and legendary Washington traditions, then take some time this weekend to check out two of the more culturally diverse places to be found within the District’s auspicious confines—Maine Avenue Fish Market and Capital City Market, also known as the D.


Voice Leisure retro reads

Looking for something awesome and totally rocking to chase away those winter “blahs” and other emotions best expressed by non-words? Try a good book. Or, better yet, try the good book. Or just read the Bible. This “blast-from-the-past” has it all—action, adventure, betrayal, smiting, psalms, zombies, giants, Pharisees, morals and sects. Lots of hot, steamy sects.


City of God–an evil god

After watching City of God, directed by Fernando Meirelles, one leaves convinced that the scariest thing in the world is a child with a gun. “A kid? I smoke, I snort, I’ve killed and robbed a man,” says one anonymous character. Groups of single-digit-aged boys run rampant and buck the hell out of each other. With little remorse and fueled by pot-induced bravado, there’s no telling what these brats can do.


Look who’s talking

Georgetown is too often knocked for its “pre-professional” orientation: So it goes, students here would rather press flesh and pad resumes than learn without a motive or ambition in mind. Still, many of us are ready to wait in excessive lines to hear top speakers, class credit be damned, and over the past months, students have had more reasons than ever to stand in line, thanks to a wealth of fine speakers on campus.


Image isn’t everything

In response to complaints of a lack of police presence, last week D.C. Metropolitan Police Chief Charles Ramsey ordered all police cruisers to flash their blue and red rooftop lights at all times, the first mandate of its kind in the United States. The idea came from Ramsey’s recent trip to Jerusalem to observe the anti-terror tactics used by its city police, which include using police car rooftop lights in a similar fashion.


It starts from the top

Georgetown University Athletic Director Joe Lang’s comments in the Washington Post last week defending embattled men’s basketball Head Coach Craig Esherick angered many Hoyas fans. Amid criticism following embarrassing losses to St. John’s and Seton Hall, Lang praised Esherick for averaging 21 wins in his three full seasons as head coach, extolled the team’s high graduation rate (84 out of 86 players on Esherick’s watch) and argued that it is “unreasonable” to expect the Hoyas to reach the NCAA tournament every year.


Arena stages play gone Wilder

Some productions bear down on you with a fierce, unblinking eye. Others feel so lifeless, you find yourself wishing they’d blink, just once, to indicate that they haven’t totally expired. Theophilus North, the latest from Arena Stage, possesses flashes of the former category’s power but large doses of the latter’s docility. A jaunty tale of light angst, the play is adapted from the novel of the same name by Thornton Wilder.


Matthews makes a hard call

“This school must be great if you have the money. If you don’t, it must be horrible.” Chris Matthews, known for his outbursts, blurted this out not twenty minutes into the live taping of his program Hardball at Georgetown last Wednesday. During a commercial break while the microphone was off, Matthews leaned over to his two panelists and told told them what he really thought.


Bash delves, emotes, disturbs

For a campus where fraternities and sororities do not officially exist, there has been a recent influx of things Greek at Georgetown. Bash, Neil LaBute’s examination of psychology on the edge, is laden with allusions to ancient Greece: fate, mythology, classical tragedy and even a “Delphi University.


Kerry calls for multilateralism

After the events of Sept. 11, leaders in the United States need to have a coherent vision of how to interact with the world, Presidential candidate Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.) said in a speech last Thursday in Gaston Hall.

In the speech, which was sponsored by the Georgetown University Lecture Fund, the Institute for the Study of Diplomacy and The Edmund A.


GU hosts Afghan students

Georgetown is hosting a program for a small group of students from Afghanistan this week, continuing its involvement in U.S. Afghan relations. The Afghan students arrived last Friday for a week-long program entitled “Blueprint for the Future—Connecting Afghan and American College Students,” where they are working with Georgetown students to draft a document on Afghanistan’s redevelopment.


Students call-in to protest U.S. stance on FCTC

Georgetown students participated in a call-in campaign to the office of Secretary of Health and Human Services Tommy Thompson yesterday in Red Square. Callers were encouraged to ask Thompson not to modify an international tobacco treaty proposed by the World Heath Organization and drawn up through the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.


Midnight Mug reopens today after permit trouble

The Midnight Mug, Students of Georgetown Inc.’s new coffee shop located on the second floor of Lauinger Library, is anticipated to reopen for business today at noon.

The coffee shop originally opened on Jan. 21 and ran into immediate regulatory trouble when it was discovered that the University had issued an incorrect Certificate of Occupancy.


Venezuelan journalist’s speech draws critics

When students and faculty in the Communication, Culture & Technology Program invited Marta Colomina, a Venezuelan journalist and vocal opponent of the Venezuelan government, to speak at Georgetown, they were aware that she was a controversial figure in Venezuelan politics.


In the anti-war movement is only one A.N.S.W.E.R. right?

Though the debate over numbers may prevent ANSWER from getting the credit it feels it deserves for organizing what may have been among the largest protests ever in Washington, its increasing success in attracting “real” Americans to protests has raised serious questions in the media and activist communities surrounding ANSWER’s role as the current leader of the anti-war movement. The group is at the center of a growing controversy surrounding the anti-war movement, how it should be run and just who ought to be running it.