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Christ in tights

For the past six or so years, my sister’s ballet company has hijacked our Thanksgiving travel plans. The company puts on an annual performance of The Nutcracker that weekend, and my family usually attends all of the five or so showings. This is usually not too unpleasant, as I enjoy both Tchaikovsky and costumes with lots of ruffles.


How to make your mom cry

There are times when I want to fall on my knees and give thanks that I’m not entrusted with teaching English to non-native speakers. The number of nuances in our language make me shudder at the prospect of this task. I would rather explain exceptions to grammatical rules 365 days a year, however, than be faced with the challenge of defining some of our more elusive words.


Letter to the Editor

The Nov. 14 issue of The Georgetown Voice published an article regarding the South Asian Society’s annual cultural show Rangila, “Rangila Expands its Focus.” Though the review’s overall positive assessment of the show is greatly appreciated, the article seems to highlight Rangila’s entertainment value while at the same time downplaying the show’s purpose as a forum of cultural exchange.


You know how I do … Holla!

Sup sup MTV! Welcome to my crib! This is where it’s at, down here in the dirty dirty, you know. I’m doing it! Wearing my robe, doing my thing! Now let me show you around. Come on in! OK, here’s the front hallway, you know. Got the Oriental rug goin’ on, got it down in Chinatown for like thirty dollars, you know, pee stains and shit, I’m keepin’ it real.


Shick family reveals sanctions in dead son’s case

The family of a student killed in a physical assault on campus two and a half years ago released yesterday the sanctions imposed on the student found responsible for the assault on their son. Unable to continue their lawsuit and upset by what they consider light sanctions on students who commit serious offenses against other students, they decided to go public with previously unreleased information.


Radio utopia

I figure the point of having a column is to make one’s own views available to a wider audience. Thus, shameless self-promotion is a privilege that comes with the turf. So, as a somewhat less-than-responsible music director for WGTB, Georgetown’s student run radio, I have compiled a list of the cr?me de la cr?me of student shows.


Northerners deliver two snoozers

The dashing hero of a Russian romantic novel poses a question to his traveling companion: “It was the French, I suppose, who made boredom fashionable?” “No, the English,” the companion replies. Surprisingly, both were wrong. Neither the Francos or the Anglos live in a locale quite northerly enough to facilitate truly mind-numbing boredom.


Holy musical, Bat Boy!

You walk in to a large warehouse-ish room. It’s all splintery wooden beams and black paint, huge red-and-black bat faces and unfinished walls. Smoke floats overhead. The slight beat of a drum echoes in the background, and bare risers surround a small stage.


Swamped? If not, check out Art-O-Matic

Art-O-Matic, an unjudged grassroots art exhibition, is currently making its third annual appearance, this time inside an abandoned EPA office building in the elusive southwest quadrant. It’s huge, it’s varied and it’s completely anarchical. Come prepared to exercise your better judgement.


Don’t tell mom and dad

This week, the Pennsylvania Senate unanimously passed a bill requiring all public and private school students to recite the Pledge of Allegiance and/or sing “The Star Spangled Banner” every day. According to this bill, school administrators are required to notify in writing the parents of any student seen not participating in the pledge or anthem.


Urban Fare brings the city to …

Urban Fare 3 opened to a packed crowd in Gaston Hall this past Friday, bursting with fresh energy as talented performers brought a number of diverse acts. Full of noteworty performances, the night’s highlights included the poetry of Jessica Rucker (SFS ‘05), Becky Katz COL ‘06) and Lensa Fufa (CAS ‘04).


This stadium is no home run

In his quest for a legacy beyond being “the mayor who isn’t Marion Barry,” Mayor Anthony Williams has made acquiring a major league baseball team for D.C. a major priority. In 2000, when the nation was still tipsy with cash from the tech boom, he pledged $200 million of the District’s money to build a baseball stadium in the city.


Care to buy a calendar?

Georgetown University is in the throes of an identity crisis. It is famous, but relatively poor. It is well-regarded, but slipping in rank. Solutions that address the root of the problem have ranged from fiscal cuts to a reorganization of the University’s entire mission.


The Sports Sermon

IUPUI means something, but we’re not sure what. We are also confused how St. Peter’s was able to lose to Xavier the other night; we figured they’d be friends. We can’t even pronounce Quinnipiac, but somehow they’re playing UConn next week.

Yes, it’s that time of the year again: the beginning of the men’s college basketball season.


Instant classic

Be thankful, fair readers, for the cable gods have looked upon us with favor. I don’t mean back-to-back episodes of Trading Spaces every Saturday night. I don’t mean the all-too-overdue addition of VH1 to the Hoyanet lineup, enabling Behind the Music addicts from New South to Darnall to get their fix.


Putting the ‘bling’ back in sports gambling

I’ve had an epiphany after two and a half years at Georgetown: Kids love to gamble on sports. You may be saying “Thanks, Captain Obvious,” but the situation is becoming perilous, as nobody seems to be winning. I hear a lot of stories about kids losing $100 here, $250 there, so I’m pretty sure it’s not just my group of friends who are degenerates.


Nguyen makes future look bright

While the women’s volleyball team did not make the Big East Tournament this season, the future of the team looks bright. The Hoyas already have last season’s Big East Rookie of the Year, sophomore middle blocker Sara Albert, and this year first-year outside hitter Natasha Nguyen has perfomed just as well.


Curtin wins Big East Rookie of the Year

First-year back Jeff Curtin was named Big East Rookie of the Year last Thursday, the first Hoya to win the award since 1988. Curtin has been the quiet defensive workhorse of the team amassing player of the week awards and helping the Hoyas turn around their season, which culminated in a trip to the Big East Tournament semifinals for the third time in five years.


Money woes for Metro

There’s good news and bad news about the future of transportation in the District. The good news is that the Washington Metro Area Transit Association plans to spent $12.2 billion over the next 10 years to improve and expand Metro services in D.C., Virginia and Maryland.


PLO advisor advocates equality

Diana Buttu, a Canadian Palestinian who is legal counsel to the Palestinian Liberation Organization, said on Tuesday that she believes Israelis and Palestinians may move toward equal citizenship rather than equal statehood. Sponsored by Students for Middle East Peace, Buttu spoke to over 50 students on the past, present and future of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.


Student wins USAID award

by Amy Wittenbach

Tutoring children in D.C. is one of Georgetown’s most popular service activities, with over 400 students participating in programs like D.C. Reads and Sursum Corda. But for first-year student Kay Lauren Miller (CAS ‘06), fighting illiteracy did not start in college.


Unsung Heroes

Over the past ten years, the men’s and women’s cross country teams have been among the most successful and least recognized programs at Georgetown. Both teams started the season ranked in the top 10 nationally, but have struggled to live up to their expectations this fall.



The Georgetown Voice takes mistakes seriously. We will correct all factual mistakes in our stories and publish appropriate clarifications as soon as possible. In “Rangila expands its focus,” on Nov. 14, the Voice incorrectly referred to Vidhya Iyer (CAS ‘03) as Bidhya Iyer.


Over the river and through the woods

As Thanksgiving break nears, I am counting down the days until I can sit on the couch and have members of my family bring me things. However, earlier this semester my mom told me that the family would be spending the holiday at my grandfather’s house in Florida, which only means one thing: road trip.


Letter to the Editor

In response to your article “Out and a Scout” (Nov. 14), I, an Eagle Scout, would like to address a few issues that were omitted. The issue of homosexual scoutmasters runs much deeper than the moral objection on the surface. For one, a scout’s parents have a legitimate objection to allowing a homosexual to have unlimited access to their boy four to six times a month, especially on overnight camp-outs.