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I dreamed a little dream gone wrong

I know a lot of people that have Attention Deficit Disorder, and they are some of the most interesting and creative people I have ever met. I, however, seem to have the opposite problem. I am able to focus on incredibly boring material for long periods of time.


Falsettos delivers false promises

Just where did the lesbians next door come from and why should we care about them? It’s a question you will end up pondering towards the end of the ponderous Mask & Bauble production of Falsettos, an overlong musical whose size couldn’t be overcome, even with some good performances.


Hoffman’s steady career ends

Senior defender Casey Hoffman has many nicknames. Head Coach Diane Drake calls her the Cal Ripken of the Georgetown women’s soccer team because she started every game of her collegiate career and missed only one practice in four years. Drake also teasingly calls her Mute, for her quiet, uncomplaining leadership style.


Women’s volleyball misses postseason

This year’s women’s volleyball team more resembles the 16-13 team from two seasons ago than the 1999 squad that made the NCAA Tournament or last year’s team, which made an appearance in the Big East Championship. With two games left, the Hoyas are out of contention for the Big East Tournament, currently standing at sixth in a conference where only the top four of 14 advance.


Back it up

Statistics from this past weekend in the NFL: Marc Bulger 36 of 48, 453 yards and four touchdowns; Tommy Maddox 28 of 41, 473 yards and four touchdowns. What do these two quarterbacks have in common, besides breaking franchise records? They were both sitting on their respective team’s benches at the beginning of the NFL season, not expecting to play at all this year.


Hoyas advance in Big East

The Georgetown Men’s Soccer team defeated Big East rival Notre Dame 2-1 on Saturday in the first round of the Big East Tournament at Notre Dame’s Alumni Field in South Bend, Ind. Junior defender Carl Skanderup scored the game-winning goal in overtime to launch the Hoyas into the Big East semi-finals for the third time in five years.


The Sports Sermon

Word. The Serm gave up on pro football this week after the Redskins put out the most boring NFL performance since [insert any Ravens game from 2000 here]. We vomited and left to seek sporting pleasure in other arenas.

College football sucks, too. Ohio State just isn’t fun anymore without losers like Andy Katzenmoyer around, Miami’s going to win anyway, and how about those Hokies? Wow.


Out and a Scout

Last week, a D.C. appellate court ruled that the Boy Scouts of America did not violate D.C. law when it did not allow two gay men to become Scout leaders. This ruling overturned the District’s Commission on Human Rights’ order that the Boy Scouts reinstate the men.


Sanchez: Free trade for Bolivia

Free trade between the United States and Bolivia is necessary in order to increase Bolivia’s stability, said the President of Bolivia Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada in a speech in Gaston Hall on Monday.

Sanchez spoke of the multitude of problems facing Bolivia, its relationship with the United States and the need to halt threats to globalization, free market economies and democratic principles.


Guard-ing student opinion

At the beginning of the school year, the administration implemented a new safety policy which restricts student access to dormitories and other campus buildings. Unlike the old policy, which allowed students to enter all residence halls with a valid Georgetown ID, the new policy restricts entrance to residents of the building.


Liquid Lunchables

If the D.C. bar scene was a collection of packable lunch items, The Tombs would be the peanut butter sandwich?reliable and tasty. But the same lunch everyday gets boring. Sometimes you need to throw in a Lunchable or a Snack Pak. If the Tombs has been the center of your diet, it’s time to mix in some new ingredients.


Director of Women’s Center to leave in February

Director of the Women’s Center Nancy Cantaloupo has handed in her resignation, to take effect in February 2003. Cantaloupo will complete her law degree at the Georgetown Law Center in May 2003 and has accepted a job, beginning next September, with a local law firm.


Are we a red light district?

Is Georgetown a place for free speech? If you’re a member of The Georgetown Academy, whose most recent issue was stolen shortly after it was distributed on campus last week, you probably don’t think so. If you’re the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, which just gave Georgetown a “red light” rating for free speech protection, you probably don’t, either.



Director of Residence Life Frank Robinson gave his notice of resignation last Wednesday, effective immediately. That’s fine, administrators come and go from the University all the time, right?

Last spring, the University announced the selection of Robinson in the position previously held by Bethany Marlowe.


FIRE group gives GU ‘red light’

The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, which rates colleges and universities on their tolerance of free speech, ranked Georgetown as a “red light” school, signaling what it perceives to be a dangerously high suppression of provocative speech.

“The Georgetown administration has a checkered history of selectively protecting student speech,” FIRE Chief Executive Officer Thor L.


Versatile acting shines in Studio play

Has American society has reached a stage where superficial appearances are valued above all else? We are constantly bombarded with images of “beautiful” people and find ourselves trying to conform to these stereotypes. Are we motivated to change to improve ourselves, or simply to impress others? The Studio Theatre’s production of Neil LaBute’s The Shape of Things raises pointed moral questions about the nature of change and the extremes one is willing to go to for art and love.


Club Union protests lockdown policy Wednesday

Holding posters with slogans such as “Down with the lockdown” and ”$36,000 a year and we can’t visit our friends,” Georgetown students protested the continuing 24-hour lockdown on Wednesday afternoon in Red Square.

The protesters, organized by the Georgetown University Student Association’s Club Union, distributed the office phone numbers of administrators involved in the lockdown policy, so that students could call and explain the shortcomings of the policy to them,

“There is no real avenue for people who are locked out of the dorms to do anything,” GUSA Historian Adam Doverspike (SFS ‘03) said.


Director of Residence Life Robinson resigns

After being at Georgetown for less than five months, Director of Residence Life Frank Robinson resigned last Wednesday effective immediately. Robinson’s resignation creates another vacancy in Residence Life, which already lacks one of two associate directors.


Rangila expands its focus

The silhouettes of two women on linen screens are all that is visible on the darkened stage. The dancers shift to a lively drum beat until they emerge from behind the screens, their bodies speckled with glow-in-the-dark paint. The traditional percussion and sitar change to techno, and the dancers seize burning sticks of incense and fuse traditional South Asian dance with the more abandoned moves of a raver.


Heaven takes earnest look at post-war ennui

Ten bucks says that Ricky battered Lucy and Ward Cleaver had a crush on Rock Hudson. It is almost a game now among pop culture nuts to decode the subtexts of those unbelievably pure television shows of the 1950s. A war had just ended and audiences wanted something that reflected their desires for an existence that was simple, happy and clean.


Sunday Night Syndrome exposed

Mornings are my favorite time of day because the endless possibilities of life are upon me. I relish my first cup of coffee and sing out with the morning birds about the hopefulness that each new day brings. As the morning drifts into the afternoon and the sun moves across the sky, a sense of foreboding comes over me as I realize that the night is fast approaching.


Darn-all the bathrooms

I am a simple man. Although I have the relative good fortune of living in the wealthiest state in the world and occupy a position of seemingly infinite upward mobility, my needs and desires are few. I have no use for the highly coveted bling- bling of Lexuses, flashy jewelry, high-powered video game machines or even fine dining at the District’s various five-star restaurants, though my financial station and societal privilege may one day entitle me to these things.


Ode to life

I can write the saddest poem of all tonight. To think I don’t have her. To feel that I’ve lost her. To hear the immense night, more immense without her. And the poem falls to the soul as dew to grass. What does it matter that my love couldn’t keep her. The night is full of stars and she is not with me.


The future of music is now

A young woman with short, dyed-red hair, dressed stylishly with a hint of thrift-store nonchalance, stands confidently behind the podium among Gaston Hall’s stained-glass-and-oak-paneled grandeur. Names of great thinkers are etched on the wall behind her, and a herd of dark-suited lawyers, powerful businessmen and curious musicians sit in front of her.


NY in 2012

As I sat up in my room last night, watching the final election returns come in, realizing that our country is falling apart and that I will now have to face the first years of my post-graduate life in a conservative and semi-fascist state, I began to think to myself what positives there are for a liberal New Yorker who will return home permanently for the first time in four years this May.