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Obstacles at the polls

How many people would think twice about going to the polls if they knew that a person would be standing in the booth with them? For D.C. voters who are visually impaired or have limited hand mobility, and are thus unable to vote using standard methods, this is the reality of going to the polls, and it constitutes a clear infringement on their right to vote in private.


Only YOU can prevent injustice

Interested in improving community relations? Sick of fighting with your neighbors about noise? Want someone who’s not necessarily a “resident, tax-payer, or home-owner” to represent you on the Advisory Neighborhood Council? You’re in luck, but you’re going to have to vote.


The Sports Sermon


It’s so nice to see you again. How was your summer? We’re so glad that you didn’t make that trip to Indianapolis that everyone was talking about at the end of last year. Everyone thought that taking that class would be an easy A, but instead GPAs got busted like Ike Hilliard’s shoulder.


Atlas batted?

Ayn Rand liked baseball.

Actually, I don’t know whether the imperious author of Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead and deific apologist of objectivism liked the game at all, but according to a writer associated with the Ayn Rand Institute, she very well should have.


Gelblum leads on the court

For Georgetown tennis sensation Liora Gelblum, academics always come first. As an International Economics major in the School of Foreign Service with a pre-med concentration, Gelblum has to work hard to stay on top of her busy class schedule. Fortunately for Georgetown, Gelblum gives the same effort on the court as off, helping to lead the women’s tennis team for the last year and a half.


Water polo heads to National Championship

It’s 8:30 on a rainy Tuesday night, and members of the Georgetown men’s club water polo team stand huddled and shivering by their cars outside of Healy Gates. Forty minutes later, they will have stripped down to their Speedos at the Wakefield Recreation Center in Fairfax, Va. and plunged into the Olympic-sized pool to scrimmage against the Northern Virginia Masters team.


Hoya women rain on Bucknell parade

The Georgetown women’s soccer team defeated Bucknell 4-1 on Tuesday on what turned out to be a cold and dreary afternoon. In her last home game, senior forward Karin Ostrander led the Hoyas to victory through the rain with two goals in the contest.


… but Theatrical Shorts falls short

Nomadic Theater’s Theatrical Shorts present six plays written by a variety of playwrights?August Strindberg, Samuel Beckett and Harold Pinter?and is directed by Professor Baker-White, a professor in the Department of Art, Music and Theater. The actors make an admirable effort, but they frequently demonstrate an inability to subsist on the mere scraps and bare bones with which they are provided.


I (heart) D.C.

Every year at this time in New York City, thousands of musicians and indie rock fans gather together for the College Music Journal Music Marathon. The event’s bands all play in separate venues and it’s a great way to check out all the different clubs in New York, while hearing everything from Chemical Brothers to Ugly Casanova, to anything put out by Saddle Creek.


Politics, biology collide at Corcoran

Molecular Invasion, a new exhibit at the Corcoran Gallery, is possibly one of the more bizarre art attractions currently showing in the D.C. area. Presented by the Critical Art Ensemble, the project is a loud, brazen criticism of the environmental effects of advances in biotechnology.


Nomadic stands tall with Laramie

All societies would like to believe that theirs is perfect, immune from instances of intolerance, prejudice and senseless violence. Nomadic Theatre’s new production of The Laramie Project is an intense look at one community’s crisis following a hate-driven murder that shattered this illusion.


This Del’s for you

The best thing about West Coast underground hip-hop acts is that they aren’t trying to sell you an image. They just try to write engaging or, at the very least, amusing rhymes. Often, a self-aware sense of humor lies behind the lyrics, allowing these artists to avoid the trap of boasting and marketing one’s own ego at the expense of the music.


O’Connor speaks on Bill of Rights

Cases related to terrorism will reach the U.S. Supreme Court, Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor said in a speech in Gaston Hall Monday night. O’Connor briefly addressed terrorism but focused her speech on the Bill of Rights and her career as the first female justice on the Supreme Court.


Dulles discusses Vatican II

In the 40 years since the opening of Vatican II, a conference attended by Roman Catholic leaders, some of the writings produced by the participants have been wrongly interpreted, said Avery Cardinal Dulles, S.J. on Wednesday night. During his speech in ICC Auditorium, Dulles gave his own opinions about the myths and realities of the Vatican II documents.


Housing crisis averted?

This morning, Georgetown students received an e-mail announcing that, regardless of what the Office of Housing Services office told them last year, they now have four years of guaranteed on-campus housing. With the completion of the much-awaited Southwest Quadrangle in the fall of 2003, the University will be able to accommodate 780 more students than it has in the past.


MPD and DPS may coordinate

Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner Justin Wagner (CAS ‘03) petitioned the D.C. City Council last Thursday to implement the Omnibus Public Safety Agency Reform Amendment, which is intended to strengthen relationships between the Metropolitan Police Department and area campus public safety agencies.


Metro police presence increases

Due to security concerns and complaints from neighbors, police presence has increased permanently in Georgetown and will be especially high tonight for Halloween.

The number of police officers will be greater than a normal Thursday night because of the various Halloween activities in the neighborhood.


ANC reviews student-neighbor relations

As elections approach, Advisory Neighborhood Commissioners reflected at the ANC meeting Tuesday night on the progress made in the relationship between students and non-student residents of Georgetown. Several Commissioners, including Chairman Peter Pulsifer and both student Commissioners Justin Wagner (CAS ‘03) and Justin Kopa (CAS ‘03) will not be running for re-election.


Arts expansion includes new facility, major

The Advisory Neighborhood Commission voted unanimously Tuesday night to approve plans for the Georgetown Performing Arts Center. Final approval awaits a hearing before the Board of Zoning Adjustment scheduled for Dec. 5.

The Performing Arts Center, a part of the Georgetown University Campus 2000 Plan, will be the first building in University history dedicated entirely to the performing arts.


All students guaranteed housing next year

All students who want to live on-campus are guaranteed housing next year regardless of their previously allotted years of eligibility, based on the findings of the Housing Advisory Committee, composed of both students and administrators. As of press time, e-mails announcing the change were scheduled to be sent to sophomores and juniors this morning from Director of Housing Services Shirley Menendez.


Sexy Girl Scouts and bacon bits

Though some of us believe we are too old or too cool to still dress up, hot-pants Heidi and S&M Spiderwoman were already defying the norm of preppiness at the Guards last Saturday. Many more young women will freeze radiantly beneath pink wigs, feather boas, fish nets, fake eyelashes and little else Thursday through Saturday.


I fought the law …

At first I lied to my mother. She asked whether or not I had been arrested at the International Monetary Fund and World Bank demonstrations last month, and how could I straight up tell her the truth? After a miserable 26 hours handcuffed in the custody of the D.


Letter to the Editor

In a recent article on protests over Iraq, it was mentioned that College Republicans were hanging up “pro-war” posters in response to anti-war demonstrators. This characterization is indicative of the kind of malicious stereotypes that pass for the truth about about conservatives at Georgetown.


Taking back my life

As my voice rang out that cold, breezy night in November two years ago, my hands shook and my mind filled with images of a similar evening four years past. The entire time I spoke I felt completely removed from myself? as though I were listening with the crowd of hundreds, not speaking to them.


You have no idea how tired I am

First of all: I am tired. I am true of heart! And also: You are tired. You are true of heart! ?Dave Eggers, at the beginning of his book A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius Now: I have never been so tired. You have no idea how tired I am. I truly hope you are not as tired as I am.