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Strip Zone

One can imagine the list of priorities that each member of the DC Council drew up after the November elections: improve the public school system, encourage development east of the... Read more


Activity funding reform proposed

A Georgetown University Student Association member presented the Student Activities Commission with a draft proposal for the creation of an all-inclusive Finance Board for all student organizations on Dec. 4.... Read more


Flood slows internet connections

A water pipe broke Jan. 5 and flooded the Ryan Administration Building damaged networking equipment and resulted in slower network connections. The connections will return to their original speed and... Read more


Academic calendar 2001-2 finalized

University Provost Dorothy M. Brown announced on Dec. 12 the finalization of the 2000-01 academic calendar. The new calendar remains largely similar to the current calendar with the exception of... Read more


Earthquake traps students in El Salvador

Six Georgetown students on a mission retreat in El Salvador were forced to evacuate the country by bus due to an earthquake which devestated El Salvador and surrouding areas on... Read more


Police plan crackdown on underage drinking

The Metropolitan Police Department plans a fresh crackdown on underage drinking at local bars, according to a report in the George Washington Hatchet. The Hatchet reported that undercover officers will... Read more


A bill on the hill

In a tradition almost as time-honored as the inauguration of a new president itself, throngs will descend upon our fair city for a round of protests this weekend. In a... Read more


Let boys be boys

The announcement by leaders of the Reform Jewish movement recommending that their congregations withdraw their support of the Boy Scouts of America sets a strong example for other groups to... Read more


Cleaning up the cabinet

Many across our country have risen in indignation over the nomination of John Ashcroft to be the attorney general, and perhaps their anger is justified. But Ashcroft is not the... Read more


Letters to the Editor

Your editorial (“Weed-whacking,” Dec. 7) makes plain what I have suspected: that the editors of our campus newspapers may be eager to maintain the ineffectual GUSA system to amplify their... Read more


Pop confession time

I have a confession to make: I love pop music. For those of you who don’t know me, this may not be such a surprise. But for everyone else, this... Read more


Eye don’t need any help

When brushing your teeth alongside a housemate or hallmate, do you not stop brushing until the other person does? If you’re not one of those people, the person sharing the... Read more


An unknown birthday

Monday was my grandfather’s birthday. I never met him; he passed away before I was born. I hear bits and pieces about him from my dad and grandma, but when... Read more


Dan & tha Damaja

Touching down in DC this Saturday night will be a hip-hop show like no other: Jeru the Damaja on the mic with Dan the Automator doing deck duty. At first... Read more


D.C.’s guide to modern architecture

by Kate Greenberg Welcome back to the Nation’s capital. After a month of vacation, I began to realize that the Hollywood sign and California modern homes of my native Los... Read more


Winter break movies: worth our salt?

by the Voice staff Cast Away (Robert Zemeckis, Fox) This movie, which sadly, will most likely win the Oscar for best picture, ought to have been left on its own... Read more


Honoring Women’s Creativity

Recognizing the importance of women’s contribution to American visual culture is the basis for “Women Designers in the USA, 1900-2000: Diversity and Difference,” currently on exhibit at The Bard Graduate... Read more


Pu ert mj?g falleg

Sound, light! … words on paper … over-heard speech … the cat??you saw it … a dog … you realized! Sensations??out of context??grow new limbs. They cease to be actualized... Read more