Annemarie Cuccia

Annemarie is an avid Voice reader and former editor-in-chief. She hopes she left the magazine better than she found it.

Halftime Leisure

Celebrate the poet, but do not ask her to explain herself

I don’t like to tell people I read poetry. I don’t like to tell people I write poetry. At least, I don’t like to tell people I read it religiously,... Read more


Coronavirus shakes up students’ postgrad plans

A student’s last semester of college is full of traditions. For Georgetown students, the last week on the Hilltop means a marathon of celebrations with friends and family, culminating in... Read more


FinApp Appeals sees increased funding for SAC, other advisory boards

The Student Activities Commission (SAC) received an additional $43,500 in funding from the GUSA Financial Appropriations Committee (FinApp). This increase came after displeasure with the original funding allocation was voiced... Read more


Students Respond to GUSA Club Funding Proposals

More than 25 students crowded into the GUSA Senate meeting on March 1 to protest club budget cuts announced after the GUSA Budget summit.  At the summit, which was held... Read more


Georgetown’s Long Path to Divestment

Georgetown became one of the first private universities to introduce a plan to fully divest from fossil fuels on Feb. 6 following a board of directors vote. The university will... Read more


2020 Vision: D.C.’s Next Decade

In 2009, Voice staffer Will Sommer wrote a piece sharing his and other political writers’ predictions on the next year in D.C. city politics. Ten years later, as the Voice... Read more


Celebrity Death Lists: A Form of Afterlife No One Asked For

A Facebook notification pops up on my phone: “Today is January 1st and it is time to crown the winners of the first annual Celebrity Death List Pool!” It is... Read more


“Unlike Any Other Class”: AMST 272 Confronts Georgetown’s History with Slavery

Perched inside the window of GUSA’s Leavey Center office, there is a sign reading “This school exists because of slavery.” These words, written in a burst of red permanent marker,... Read more


Petition for Permanent Off-Campus Mental Health Fund Circulates

A petition is circulating to collect student support for the conversion of the student mental health fund to an endowment of $100,000 in order to ensure its continuity. The endowment... Read more


Georgetown Students Celebrate OUTober

One by one, the students walk through the door frame sitting in the middle of Red Square. Some laugh and smile, posing for pictures and hugging their friends. Others step... Read more