Franziska Wild

Franzi Wild is a senior in the SFS and the news executive editor. She likes the natural world, Arabic verb forms, and kindness. Lately, she's been trying to let the soft animal of her body love what it loves.


Hundreds protest as Jewish Life and Israel Alliance host panel with IDF soldiers

Over 250 protesters gathered on Feb. 27 as Jewish Life, a branch of Campus Ministry, and the Georgetown Israel Alliance (GIA) hosted a panel with members of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).


“Divest from death”: Community members walkout to demand divestment from corporations with Israeli ties

Students, faculty, and staff held a walkout to call on Georgetown to divest its endowment from companies that invest in technologies used by the Israeli military. 


New OSEI space presents possibility and creates challenge

The first thing you notice when entering the new Office of Student Equity and Inclusion (OSEI), located underneath the west corner of the Healey Family Student Center, is the lack... Read more


“An obligation to speak”: Georgetown faculty organize for justice in Palestine

Georgetown's faculty organized a vigil to memorialize and commemorate their academic colleagues murdered in Gaza on Jan 18.


“Living our ancestors’ dreams”: Descendants gather to view a newly discovered GU272 photograph

Descendants met on Feb. 7 to view a newly-discovered photograph of a woman enslaved by Georgetown and celebrate her life and family. 


Here I Am is filled with ancestors and living history

“We’re continuously walking on graves. The earth itself is somebody’s grave,” Mélisande Short-Colomb (CAS ’21) recalled her father’s words while standing on the stage in Gaston Hall, during the inaugural... Read more


HUGHLANDER demonstrates vulnerability on demo nights.

Through reckoning with grief, Malachi Quarles (CAS ’23) who releases music under the alias HUGHLANDER produced his latest album, demo nights.


Georgetown Protects Racists officially ends sit-in protest, aims to continue anti-racism work

On Friday, Feb. 10, Georgetown Protects Racists (GUPR) announced the end of its sit-in protests during a community meeting at 1 p.m.


“Involuntary founders”: the missing people in Georgetown’s memory work

Addressing and acknowledging the university’s history of slavery is intimately intertwined with developing ways to actively memorialize the people it enslaved.


Post Pitch: Involuntary Founders

Welcome back to Post Pitch. This week, Features Editor Franziska Wild expands upon the themes of her article: “‘Involuntary founders’: the missing people in Georgetown’s memory work.”  This podcast introduces... Read more