Voice Staff

The staff of The Georgetown Voice.


I still believe

VOICES BY DAVE STROUP It hasn’t been the greatest few weeks for Howard Dean’s presidential campaign, but he still has my support, and I still maintain that John Kerry looks like one of the tree people from Lord of the Rings. I traveled to Iowa the weekend before the caucuses as part of Howard Dean’s “Iowa Perfect Storm,” to meet up with my girlfriend Esther and a friend of mine.



The Georgetown Voice takes mistakes seriously. We correct all errors of substance in our stories and publish appropriate clarifications as soon as possible.


Fighting for the spotlight

COVER BY KAZUO OISHI Paul Hughes has a new toy. The HOG III lighting board controls an entire lighting system comprised of two “studio spot” units and two “studio color” units, but it looks more like a computer console in Star Trek. Two touch-screens rise above an assortment of dials, switches, slides and rollers.


Students erect wall in Red Square

NEWS BY DAN JOYCE A 30-foot tall plastic wall cast an intimidating shadow over an otherwise sunny Red Square at Wednesday afternoon’s rally against Israel’s construction of a barrier intended to stop Palestinian terrorists. Georgetown students and faculty experienced a small part of the disruption and tension in the Middle East as they navigated among camouflaged protesters wielding posters and megaphones, role-players asking them for identification, counter-protesters distributing flyers and the enormous gray wall itself.


Touring ‘The Colored Museum’

LEISURE BY KATHRYN BRAND “Keep your shackles on at all times,” chimes a beaming stewardess, Miss Pat, played by Dionne Young (CAS ‘04). She welcomes you to Celebrity Slave Ships, departing the Gold Coast for Savannah, Ga. When the ship enters a thunderstorm Miss Pat calmly explains, “Don’t worry; we’ve just entered a time warp.


MPD confirms videotaping legality

NEWS BY CLAIRE D’EMIC In the latest development in the continuing videotaping controversy, the Metropolitan Police Department has affirmed the legality of the practice and negated the claim that Georgetown residents were responsible for a proposal that residents videotape unruly students.


RAs criticize alcohol policy changes

Members of Residence Life and a few students discussed changes proposed to Georgetown’s alcohol policy at a town hall meeting Wednesday in Sellinger Lounge.

The lack of a student presence, with the exception of resident assistants, was noticeable at the event, which was hosted by the Disciplinary Review Committee.


Students inaugurate temporary New South space

After months of reconstruction, a simple, undecorated lower level of New South was finally unveiled Tuesday night.

The temporary floor plan consists of two new dance studios and two large, carpeted, white-walled rooms. A scattering of tables and a few chairs were all that remained of the former cafeteria.


Insiders and Outsiders

Candidates for the Georgetown University Student Association Presidency and Vice Presidency debated, and many times politely agreed, about Georgetown issues in preparation for next Monday’s election. The debate, which lasted approximately 90 minutes, covered an exhaustive range of issues of concern to the candidates.


Drink lead

Don’t drink the water-there might be lead in it. Last summer, tests of D.C.’s water supply indicated that the lead concentration in thousands of homes exceeded federal levels. While this alone would not be a huge problem-steps can be taken to lower lead levels-the District’s response to the problem warrants concern.